地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:0755-27800103
手 机:15112252668
传 真:0755-27800103

TACMINA has a rich history of innovation. In 1965, we launched the first electrically-powered metering pump made in Japan. Thereafter, we developed many breakthrough innovations including the world's first metering pump with automatic correction of discharge volume and what is known today as "Smoothflow" technology - a unique design that produces a highly accurate flow. Since our inception, we have earned more than one hundred domestic and international design patents and numerous awards. We continue to receive high praise from industry peers including eight of the highly-regarded Good Design Awards.


Our advanced Development center drives TACMINA's product development. We utilize many advanced ysis tools including some that are developed exclusively by our team of engineers. These tools help us to push the envelope of fluid dynamics and develop new products to support the ever-changing needs of our customers. For example, our state-of-art fluid testing laboratory enables us to run customer's product under various real-world scenarios and provide accurate engineering and chemistry data to the customer.







