地区:广东省 广州市
电 话:0138-26296672
手 机:13826296672



CMTCold Metal Transfer (冷金属过渡)的缩写,是一种的MIG/MAG焊接短路过渡技术,同传统的气体保护焊技术相比熔滴过渡温度更低。它将焊丝的运动直接同焊接过程控制相结合,熔滴过渡时电流降至几乎为,通过焊丝的回抽运动帮助熔滴脱落。从而实现音科机电的无飞溅焊接。

凭借强势推出的 MIG/MAG 焊接设备平台TPS/i,福尼斯正在焊接产业迈入一个崭新的时代。 TPS/i 了之前的限,强力推动焊接产业向前发展 TPSi系列焊机采用SpeedNet网络结构,整个系统采用设计。无论是控制系统,送丝系统,人机交互系统,还是焊音科机电与线缆,是以新的理念,新的标准来设计制造。它将把MIG焊机的使用引入到现代化的智能工业时代。

TPS/i 是一款通用型精英产品。该产品依据要原则进行构思和设计,经历了从无到有的艰辛过程。因此,它对于改进焊接性能、优化人机通信和完善处理操作具有决定性的作用。模块化的设计理念使产品可以轻松满足不同用户的各种焊接需求。 TPS/i 的问世标志着我们已经迈入了焊接领域的新纪元。

The TransPuls Synergic 3200 is used for pulsed arcs, spray and short circuit which has a microprocessor-controlled MAG/MIG power source and is fully diized which has an output of 320A. This power source yields reproducible results over and over again and has the weld properties in many aspects.

It is a multi-process power source that can be used in robotic or manual applications as well as in electrode and TIG welding, and for MIG/MAG. It features CMT or Cold Metal Transfer. The wire movement is integrated into the process control where the heat is inserted quickly. The metal transfer happens even with almost no flow of current.

The result is a spatter-free brazing of thin sheets with a thickness of 0.3mm or more, MAG/MIG welding, fusion of aluminum and steel and MIG brazing of common galvanized sheet.