电 话:021-39529830
手 机:18918572467
传 真:021-39947616


- Support: We offer a wealth of product knowledge and experience thus enabling us to provide first class technical support and customer service. We have also developed one of the most sophisticated simulation software programs available for hydraulic accumulators, allowing for temperature and flow characteristics, intuitive Windows format and easy to use!

? Pressure Compensation:
Absorbs pressure spikes from pumps or other components to control pressure and flow rates in the hydraulic circuit.

? Volume Control:
Absorbs fluid volume variations induced by temperature changes in a closed hydraulic circuit and maintains a rated pressure.

? Emergency Energy Storage:
In case of failure of the main energy source, these accumulators can provide sufficient energy to complete an operation or to realize a full hydraulic cycle.

? Hydraulic Spring:
A bladder accumulator can act as a gas spring, storing gas under high pressure against a non-compressible liquid.

Market Sectors:
? Industrial (metal forming, plastic press, heavy industry, tooling machine, hydraulic power units, test bench...)
? Energy (Oil & Gas, Wind Power, Nuclear Power, Renewable Energy)
? Marine (ship equipment, cranes)
? Mobile (handling construction, mining...)


Gas loaded accumulators are an essential component for the optimum operation of a hydraulic circuit. The accumulator enables:比例方向控制阀.jpg

? Energy Storage:
Saves energy without loss and redistributes when required therefore reducing installed powe
The Parker EHV bladder accumulators are available from 250 to 690 bar in Carbon Steel and up to 120 bar in Stainless Steel. Also available is the EHVF series with Flanged SAE Fluid Port and EHVDA for high flow rates.


- Quality & Safety: Rigorous product testing and continuous product development help to ensure our products operate at optimum efficiency and can perform in the most demanding environments. Parker accumulator accessories such as Safety Blocks, Burst Discs and Permanent Charging Sets, can aid the safe installation and operation of the accumulators in any hydraulic system.

- Reliability: Our bladder accumulators are built to last with optimum performance and minimum maintenance required.

- Flexibility: Your Parker Olaer accumulator is suitable for use in more than 35 countries (all EHV accumulators are CE marked) making it boundary friendly. We are also able to meet an extensive range of international and industry approvals and offer a large range of materials and fittings.
