地区:广东省 深圳市

网络分析仪校准件 、 N4433A网络分析仪校准件 、 AgilentN4433A网络分析仪校准件 价格


Agilent | N4433A|四端口电子校准件|网络分析仪校准件|20GHz|3.5mm
品牌: 安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP
* 300 kHz to 20 GHz frequency range 
* Standard 3.5 mm (f) connectors 
* Fast full 3- or 4-port calibration with a single connection 
* NIST traceable accurate calibrations 
* Reduced connector wear 
* USB interface for direct control with PNA and ENA series of network analyzers 
* Reliable solid-state switching 
* Mixed 3.5 mm male/female connectors option available 
The Agilent N4433A Microwave electronic calibration (ECal) module makes calibration of vector network analyzers fast, easy, and accurate. ECal is a precision, single-connection calibration technique for your vector network analyzer. Performing a full three- or four-port calibration takes less than half the time and number of connections using ECal versus mechanical cal kits. Furthermore, the accuracy of the calibration is comparable to mechanical methods. Traditional mechanical calibrations require intensive operator interaction, which is prone to errors. With ECal, the operator simply connects the ECal module to the network analyzer and the software controls the rest.
ECal modules are transfer standards capable of transferring the factory calibration accuracy to your network analyzer. The Agilent PNA and ENA series of network analyzers controls the N4433A module directly through a USB interface. PNA Series network analyzers require firmware revision 2.5 or hig

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