美国KIMRAY火焰监测器HT 12 PG
电 话:021-52655529
手 机:18621393989
传 真:021-52500777

Kimray公司由Garman O. Kimmell先生于1948年创建,公司总部设在Oklahoma City,USA。在油气控制产品及阀类工业拥有多项技术,是世界气体工业和石油化工领域内阀门和控制器的制造商,其广泛的产品线,为需求不断的气体工业和石油化工领域内的生 产商、运输商和分销商提供了更新颖、更经济、更的产品标 准。

上海维特锐实业发展有限公司  优势供应:美国KIMRAY火焰监测器HT 12 PG

HT 18 PG

HT 24 PG

HT 30 PG

HT 36 PG

    Dire aion; Pilot Output Prsure (Yellow) increas with temperature rise. As long as the temperature is above the set
point, the output will remain at supply prsure. If the pilot flamego out, the prsure decreas and drops to zero.
    Used as a Pilot safety shutdown or as a high stack temperature shutdown.
    -30°F minimum to 2100°F maximum
    -34°C minimum to 1149°C maximum
    5 psig minimum to 30 psig maximum.

    This Thermostat consists of a STAINLS TUBE for monitoring the pilot flame, which is conneed by a Low Expansion Alloy Rod to a BELLOWS ELY. The chang in the length of the STAINLS TUBE operate a PILOT PLUG seat. The PILOT PLUG consists of two stainls balls rigidly conneed together. The seat at BALL 1 is the Output Prsure vent (Yellow to Atmosphere). The seat at BALL 2 is the Supply Prsure inlet (Violet to Yellow).
    ume the set point on the HT 12PG is above the temperature of the system. The vent at BALL 1 is open and the inlet at
BALL 2 is closed. Output Prsure (Yellow) is at 0 psig or vented.
    As the temperature ris in the system, the STAINLS TUBE or outer tube increas in length to move the Thermostat Bellows ely in a direion to first close the seat at BALL 1 (Yellow to Atmosphere) and open the seat at Ball 2 (Violet to Yellow). Output Prsure (Yellow) increas, opening a safety valve which was blocking gas supply for the burner and pilot light system.


H0220HT 12 PG21001149R1217
H0221HT 18 PG21001149R1217
H1222HT 24 PG21001149R1217
H0223HT 30 PG21001149R1217
H0224HT 36 PG21001149R1217