85038M 85038M收购85038M
地区:广东省 东莞市
电 话:0769-87935195
手 机:13431301996
传 真:0769-87935195


Agilent | 85038M|校准件|网络分析仪校准件|7.5GHz

品牌: 安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP

* DC to 7.5 GHz (usable to 8 GHz) frequency range
* Calibration standards with male 7-16 connectors

The Agilent 85038M calibration kit contains only male calibration devices (open circuit, short circuit and termination) and has frequency coverage from dc to 7.5 GHz (usable to 8 GHz).

Modern wireless communication systems require high-performance components offering low VSWR and low intermodulation distortion at high transmit power levels. To meet these needs, 7-16 connectors are becoming increasingly common in base station transmitters, amplifiers, duplexers, and other products. These connectors conform to IEC 169-4, DIN 47223, European standard EN 122190, and British standard BSEN 122190.

To calibrate Agilent network analyzers for measurements of devices with 7-16 connectors, Agilent offers the 85038M calibration kit with precision 7-16 standards.