传 真:86 021 33516750-801
- Ability to control up to four cursors simultaneously
- Two M12 connectors for simplified connection to Profibus, one M8 connector for separate power connection (transducer can be powered without having to connect it to the bus)
- Local intelligence
- Profibus DPV0 interface on RS485 in conformity to IEC 61158
- Strokes from 50 to 4000 mm
- Displacement position settable via software up to 5 µm
- Speed resolution up to 0.01 mm/sec
- Linearity error 0.01%
- Repeatability error 0.001%
- Conforms to EC directives (EN 5-1)
- Resistance to vibration (DIN IEC68T2/6 12 g)
- IP67 protection
- MK4-P与IK2-P系列磁滞伸缩传感器,带Profibus接口,无与伦比的度与可靠性!