供应FM-05 中国好货源上海飞卓 夹持型智能涡街流量计 流量计
电 话:86 21 57274400
手 机:13262683358
传 真:86 21 57272066




测量流体: 饱和蒸汽、过热蒸汽、压缩空气等一般气体、液体 


重复性:   液体0.33%;气体0.5% 

测量范围: 气体7m/s40m/s


额定压力: 1.6MPa2.5MPa4.0MPa 

流体温度: -40℃250℃(普通型),100℃350℃(高温型) 

夹持型智能涡街流量计表体材质: 304不锈钢 

工作电源: 24VDC(或12VDC),锂电池 

输出信号: 脉冲信号(低电平≤1V,高电平≥4V);4mA20mA 

夹持型智能涡街流量计防护等级: IP65 

夹持型智能涡街流量计电气接口: M20×1.5 

防爆型式: 普通非防爆型,隔爆型(可选) 

环境温度: -35℃60℃(无LCD);-5℃60℃(带LCD 

夹持型智能涡街流量计相对湿度: 595%



    A first-class technical equipment, first-class pro ductionconfiguration. Is essential for the modern enterprise conditions,Also the manufacturing quality assurance. Phaedra customer-oriented, customers need to research and manufacture Want, satisfaction has been appointed, the technology level of play the mo st incisive. The competition of the market,It is the comp etition of the product.
    We pursue of not only is a honor only,but also request the customer s approbation.




流  量  计




Continuous Float Level Transmitter


Product Description


Flow Meter is to measure the volume or weight of the fluid through easuring pipe per unit time. It is mainly applied in measuring and controlling various of liquid and gas. There are more than 100 kinds of flow meter for industry, each type of flow meter has both its own character, usability and limitation. Users may choose the most suitable flow meter according to the actual field site's conditions and requirements.