地区:浙江省 杭州市
电 话:0571-89986210
手 机:15869000170
传 真:0571-85462250

EV5000是美国磁通VIBRANCE® 新型的LED紫外线探伤灯产品。使用寿命大于50000小时,正常情况下可以使您连续使用20年!而不用担心灯泡替换的问题

The new VIBRANCE® EV5000 UV-LED Black Light System from Magnaflux could be the last UV NDT inspection light you will ever buy. With each of its four long-life LED clusters rated with an average bulb life of up to 50,000 hours, you may not have to worry about shopping around for a replacement bulb for the next 20 years.

  • Up to 50,000 hour bulb life

  • Free in service loaner

  • Lightweight ergonomic design

  • Individually certified for wavelength

  • 90% Savings in power consumption versus traditional UV black lights