地区:广东省 东莞市
电 话:0769-82134961
手 机:13549336060
传 真:0769-82134961

THS3014-TK 手持式示波器


【THS3014-TK】重量很轻的 THS3014-TK 手持式示波器具有四个隔离通道和长 7 【THS3014-TK】小时电池寿命,可让您在工作台或者现场安全地进行浮动和差分测【THS3014-TK】量。现在您可以用泰克提供的性能安全且经济地应对困难环境。【THS3014-TK】THS3014-TK handheld oscilloscopes Difficult environment 【THS3014-TK】for portable performance Lightweight THS3014-TK handheld 【THS3014-TK】oscilloscope with four isolated channels and up to 7 【THS3014-TK】hours of battery life, allowing you to make floating and 【THS3014-TK】differential measurements at the bench or field safely. 【THS3014-TK】Now you can use the security features provided by 【THS3014-TK】Tektronix and respond to difficult economic environment.