地区:江苏省 苏州市
电 话:0512-62511476
手 机:13814899444
传 真:0512-68051797

美国传力Transcell称重传感器 传力DBSL 轮辐式传感器


Features 主要特点
●  Spoke type load cell
●  Senior alloy steel
●  High accuracy
●  High stability
●  Low profile
●  Easy to install
●  Protected against corrosion by nickelplated treatment
●  Suitable for testing machine, dynamomete, etc.
●  轮辐式传感器
●  优质合金钢材质
●  高
●  高稳定性
●  低外形
●  安装简便、快速
●  表层镀镍防腐处理
●  适用于试验机、汽车衡和大型料斗秤等
Capacities 量程
●  1t, 2t, 3t, 5t, 10t, 20t, 30t
●  Larger capacities are also provided(可定制更大量程)
Specification 技术参数   
Rated Output 额定输出 3.0mV/V ±0.25%
Zero Balance 零点平衡 ±1% of rated output
Creep after 30 minutes 蠕变 ±0.03% of rated output
Nonlinearity 非线性 ±0.03% of rated output
Hysteresis 滞后 ±0.03% of rated output
Repeatability 重复性 ±0.03% of rated output
Temp. effect on output 灵敏度温漂 ≤0.002% of applied output/oC
Temp. effect on zero 零点温漂 ≤0.002% of rated output/oC
Safe Temp. Range 可用温度范围 -10oC to + 70oC
Temp. Compensated 温度补偿范围 -10oC to + 40oC
Safe Overload 安全载荷 150%
Input Impedance 输入阻抗 775 ohm ± 20ohm / 387 ohm ± 20 ohm (≤20t)
Output Impedance 输出阻抗 700 ohm ± 5ohm / 350 ohm ± 5 ohm (≤20t)
Insulation Resistance 绝缘阻抗 ≥5000 M ohm (50V DC)
Rated Excitation 推荐激励电压 10V DC/AC
Maximum Excitation 激励电压 15V DC/AC
Cable Length 导线长度 600cm / 1000cm
Cable Color Code 导线颜色 Red(+E) Black(-E) Green(+S) White(-S)






