销售/供应Agilent 81651A、81654A 点光源模块。
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:0755-23902455
手 机:15012889897
传 真:0755-23606646
The Agilent 8165xA Fabry-Perot laser sources are single- or dual-wavelength modules to be used in conjunction with optical power meter modules for insertion loss, optical return loss and PDL measurement of broadband components and fiber. The 8165xA Fabry-Perot lasers are insensitive to back reflections and are stabilized for short and long-term applications. For convenience the output power of the sources can be attenuated for applications where lower power is wavelength: 1550nm1mW output powerCW power stability: ± (24h)Internal digital modulationOutput attenuation
    安捷伦8165xA的Fabry - Perot激光源是单或双波长应与光功率的插入损耗,光回波损耗和光纤宽带元器件和客运专线测量仪模块配合使用的模块。该8165xA的Fabry - Perot激光反射回来不敏感,是短期和长期应用稳定。为方便起见,输出功率的来源可以被衰减对于那些需要低功耗的应用。中心波长:1550nm波长1mW的输出功率CW功率稳定性:±分贝(24小时)内部数字调制输出衰减