地区:江苏省 南京市
电 话:025-58657727
手 机:13062522885
The Brooks models MT 3809 and MT 3819 variable
area flowmeters are rugged, all metal flowmeters
offering class 1.6 accuracy. The MT 3809 is constructed
with stainless steel components for measuring a variety
of gas, liquid and steam applications while the model
MT 3819 utilizes a E/TFE lining for aggressive liquid
and gas applications.
Flow rate indication is provided by means of magnetic
coupling where a magnet, encapsulated in the float,
is coupled to a rotatable magnet located in the rear of
the indicator, thus turning the dial indicator mounted
on the meter.
Optional accessories available include 4-20 mA output
with HART microprocessor transmitter with or without
configurable alarms and pulse output for totalization.
The microprocessor electronics are based on the
proprietary Smart Meter Manager (SMM) technology
utilized as the basis for an array of Brooks products.
Also available are front adjustable inductive alarms,
high temperature or stainless steel indicator housings,
valves, flow controllers, steam jacket and material


