电 话:86-0577-67955368
手 机:15088592760
传 真:86-0577-67955398

型号: J41Y-16I/25I/40I/64I/100I/160I 口径: DN15-DN500
压力: 1.6MPA-16MPA 材质:  


Strucure features and usages:

  1. 全关时手轮按顺时针方向旋转;
  2. 可以安装在管道的任何位置上,介质从下往上流;
  3. 不锈钢截止阀适用于各类腐蚀性介质的管道上,有良好的防腐性和足够的强度;
  4. 合金钢截止阀适用于耐高温的蒸汽、油品管道上,具有耐高温特点。
  1. When fully closed,the handwheel rotates clockwise.
  2. Able to be mounted on any position of the pipeline,the medium flows from down to up.
  3. Stainless steel made stop valve is of good anti-corrosive property and enough strength and suitable for various pipelines with corrosive medium.
  4. Alloy steel made stop valve features high-temperature resistance,suitable for high-temperature steam and oil goods pipelines.

Main dimensions and weight:

Test pressure

公称压力PN(MPa)Nominal pressure 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0
壳体强度试验Shell strength test 2.4 3.8 6.0 9.6 15 24
上密封试验Back seal test 1.8 2.8 4.4 7.0 11 18
密封试验Seal test 1.8 2.8 4.4 7.0 11 18

Scope of use

产品类型Product classification 适用介质Suitable medium 适用温度(℃)Suitable temperature
水、蒸汽、油品Water,steam,oilgoods ≤425℃
水、蒸汽、油品Water,steam,oilgoods ≤550℃

Material for main parts:

产品类型Product classification 零件名称Part name
阀体、阀盖Body bonnet 阀杆Valve stem 阀瓣Disc 密封面Sealing face 阀杆螺母Yoke nut 填料Packing 紧固件Fastener 手轮Handwheel
J41(H.Y)-C型 J941(H.Y)-C型 25、WCB 铬不锈钢Cr.Stainless steel 2Cr1325 H:不锈钢Y:钴基硬质合金钢H:Stainless steelY:Co-based carbide alloy steel 铝青铜Albronze 柔性石墨Flexible graphite 优质碳钢High-grade carbon steel 可锻铸铁Forgeable cast-iron
J41Y-I型J941Y-I型 铬钼钢 Cr.Mo steel 铬钼钢Cr.Mo steel 合金钢Alloy steel 钴基硬质合金钢C0-based carbide alloy steel 铝青铜Albronze 柔性石墨Flexible graphite 合金钢Alloy steel 可锻铸铁Forgeable cast-iron

Main dimensions and weight:

公称通径DNNominal diameter 主要外形尺寸和连接尺寸(mm)Main external and connecting dimensions 重量(kg)Weight
L D D1 D2 b f z-d H D0
J41(H.Y.B)-16C   J41Y-16I
10 130 90 60 40 14 2 4-14 198 120 4.7
15 130 95 65 45 16 2 4-14 218 120 5.2
20 150 105 75 55 16 2 4-14 258 140 7.1
25 160 115 85 65 16 2 4-14 275 160 7.4
32 180 135 100 78 18 2 4-18 280 180 8.5
40 200 145 110 85 18 3 4-18 330 200 12.5
50 230 160 125 100 18 3 4-18 350 240 20
65 290 180 145 12 18 3 4-18 400 280 25
80 310 195 160 135 20 3 8-18 355 280 35
100 350 215 180 155 22 3 8-18 415 320 50
125 400 245 210 185 24 3 8-18 460 360 75
150 480 280 240 210 24 3 8-23 510 400 100
200 600 335 295 265 26 3 12-23 710 400 210
250 650 405 355 320 30 3 12-23 786 450 446
300 750 460 410 375 30 3 12-23 925 500 648