电 话:86-0769-23299817-801
手 机:13809272556
传 真:86-0769-23624890

电脑式剥离强度试验机用途Uses电脑式剥离强度试验机是本公司专为胶粘带及胶粘剂行业所设计开发、用于各种胶粘制品不同方式剥离强度测试之试验仪器。选购不同的夹具可做180°、90°、T形及浮辊法(适用于高强度胶粘剂)等方式的剥离试验及胶粘剂拉伸剪切强度、撕裂强度等试验。This mathine is designed specially for the adhesive industry. Used to testing peeling strength with different methods. It can perform the 180&90 degree, T-shape peeling test and tensile,shearing&spliting strength test with different clamps. 电脑式剥离强度试验机技术参数: 机台容量Capacity choice: 10、20、50、100、200、500KG; 测力准确度Accuracy:±0.5%; 测力分辨率Resolution:1/150,000; 试验速度范围Range of speed: 50~500mm/min键盘输入控制;control by keyboard 试验行程Stroke:650mm(不含夹具);(excluding clamp) 有效试验空间Effective testing space:120mm 机台尺寸Dimention::58×58×125cm(W×D×H) 机台重量Weight:约60Kg; 电源Power:1φ、220V/50Hz; 操作方式Operation method:全电脑控制,Windows模式操作;Windows operation 动力Motor:AC+变频器;motor 软体规格Handling emergencies:采用windows工作平台,参数设定全部以对话框的形式处理,操作简单;采用单一画面操作,不需要进行画面切换;软件接口具有简体中文、繁体中文及英文三种语言,切换方便;可自行规划测试表格模式;测试数据可在主画面中直接呼叫;可选用平移、比较等方式同时进行多条曲线之数据比较;具多种测量单位,公英制可切换;具自动校正功能;具自定义试验方法功能;具试验数据运算分析功能;具自动放大倍率之功能,以达到适当大小之图形;可做抗拉、抗压、抗弯、剥离、持拉、持压、疲劳等试验。 Use windows working platform, set all parameter with dialog forms and operate easy;
Using a single screen operation, do not need to change the screen;
Have simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese and English three languages,switch conveniently;
Plan test sheet mode freely;
Test data can be directly appeared in the screen;
6. Compare multiple curve data through translation or contrast ways;
7.With many units of measurement, the metric system and british system can switch;
8.Have automatic calibration function;
9.Have user-defined test method function
10.Have test data arithmetic analysis function
11. Have the function of automatic magnification, to achieve the most appropriate size of graphics;
12. Can test tensile, compression, peel, fatigue and so on.