地区:福建省 泉州市
电 话:0595-28767930
手 机:18046335235
传 真:0595-28767890

 瑞典胜凡(SUNFAB)公司成立于1925年,一开始是生产滑雪撑杆的;1947年开始制造用齿轮油泵驱动的卡车装载机,1954年生产出台轴向柱塞泵,至今已有50多年生产柱塞泵的历史。公司生产用于卡车和一些移动液压设备上的液压泵及马达,致力于液压泵和马达在工程机械及行走车辆的应用服务。在60多个国家里设有代理处,年营业额达到2700万欧元。总部位于瑞典Hudiksvall。在德国,法国,美国,意大利和西班牙设有子公司。产品包括:液压泵,恒量马达,单恒量式泵,双恒量式泵,取力器及相关零件。胜凡(SUNFAB)SC为一系列适用于液压系统的定量柱塞泵,其排量范围在12-108 cm3?revs,工作压力可达40 Mpa.具有转速高,噪音低,运行平滑的特点,同时,SUNFAB选用的高标准轴承、密封圈等材料也提高了其工作寿命,是稳定可靠的液压元件。 一、SC定量泵Sunfab SC为一系列定量柱塞泵,适用于要求严格的液压系统。Sunfab SC的排量范围是12-108 cm3/rev,工作压力可达40Mpa。Sunfab SC是新型的泵,结构紧凑,满足了流量、压力、效率和小尺寸的要求。Sunfab SC可直接安装在动力输出装置上,或者通过中间轴安装在结构支架上。Sunfab SC需要Sunfab旁通阀作为补充一起安装在移动车辆的液压系统中。Sunfab SC的高可靠性建立在特殊的淬水处理、表面抛光处理和整个制造过程中严格质量检查的基础上。Sunfab SC的其他优点:1.转速高,噪音低。2.全程平滑运行。3.通过高标准的材料选择提高工作寿命,例如轴承、密封圈等。4.在所有接触表面安装O型圈以及双重轴封,避免了泵和动力输出装置的油液泄漏。5.在改变齿轮啮合没有危险的情况下,斜缸的挡块轴肩设计允许改变泵的旋转方向。常用型号:DIN:SC012 R/LSC017 R/LSC025 R/LSC034 R/LSC056 R/LSC047 R/LSC064 R/LSC084 R/LSC108 R/L

Sunfab's product range of hydraulic pumps is among the most complete in the world. From 12 to 130 cm3/rev, 30 to 40 MPa constant working pressure, single or double flow, fixed and variable flow, in DIN, ISO and SAE design, for mobile and industrial applications.
SCP ISO with fixed displacement 12 - 130 cm3/revolution. SUNFAB SCP is our ISO-pump suited, for example, for industrial applications. Maximum working pressure up to 40 MPa. The pump is drained externally.
SCP are speed optimized and therefore supplied in either left (L) or right (R) handed designs.
Robust bearing package
SCP's well dimensioned, double tapered roller bearings permit high shaft loads and lead to excellent speed characteristics.
Quality secured
The pump has a long life due to high demands on material selection, such as bearings, seals, etc.
Dual flow pumps for mobile hydraulics
SL 540/20 – 564/32 with fixed displacement. Maximum working pressure up to 40 MPa.
SL dual flow pumps to the SAE standard are available in five different sizes, of which two with differentiated flow; one small, one large and one combined flow. Equipped with a torque-limiting valve, this can provide a small flow with high pressure or a combined large flow at low pressure.
The dual-flow pump is a more flexible and cheaper total solution than a conventional installation with two pumps in a splitter gearbox.
Low noice level
Sunfab SL is a series of straight double pumps with extremly low noice levels for demanding mobile hydraulics.
The SL pumps are also available to the DIN standard.