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32311-K EconoTemp™  热电偶温度计


Removable rubber boot provides superior impact resistance. Withstands multiple drops from six feet onto a cement floor. 可移式橡胶外套使得产品超级耐冲撞。可承受在水泥地板上方1.8米多次垂直跌落。



Warranty Program  品质保证计划


Cooper Atkins Thermocouple Instruments and Probes are covered by the insdustry's leading Warranty Program. This Program, combined with Cooper Atkins'125+ years of Food Service experience assures your instrument will provide many years of reliable service as it is specifically designed to withstand the rigors of a foodservice operation.   Cooper Atkins热电偶温度仪和温度探头享有行业内的品质保证计划。这个计划中,包含了Cooper Atkins 125年的食品服务行业经验,确保了仪器在即使很苛刻的操作环境下也能够够提供很多年可靠的服务。


  Five Year Warranty  5年产品品质保证计划


Any instrument which proves to be defective in material or workmanship within five years of original purchase will be repaired or replaced without charge upon receipt. This Limited Warranty does not cover damage in shipment or faillure caused by tampering, obvious careless or abuse, and is the purchase's sole remedy. 任何仪器从原始购买日期起5年内,如果被证实是因物料或生产而带来的缺陷,我们将无偿提供维修或更换。但这个有限品质保证计划不包含因运输不当、操作失当、明显滥用或过失而造成的损坏。这一类的损害必须由购买人自己承担。凡带有以上“5 Year”标志的产品均享受此品质保证计划。





The EconoTemp 32311-K thermocouple thermometer was designed primarily for the foodservice industry. The slim line design fits nicely in the palm of your hand and will provide a good ergonomic grip. The addition of the molded rubber boot provides impact and water resistance. Rubber boot also has molded tabs on the side to hold and store most needle probes. Micropower design provides 4500 hours battery life. All Cooper-Atkins type-K thermocouple probes are available for use with the EconoTemp 32311. They include MicroNeedle, DuraNeedle, surface, deep fryer and other specialty probes. Manufactured in an ISO 9001:2000 facility in the USA. EconoTemp 32311-K热电偶温度计是为食品服务行业而设计的基本温度测量器具。修长设计使得手掌握起来更为舒适,符合人类工程学抓握习惯。增加的橡胶外层可使产品更为结实耐用和防水。橡胶外壳边缘突出部分适合固定和存放大部分的针形温度探头。产品微功率设计,随机携带电池可使用4500小时。所有Cooper Atkins K型热电偶温度探头都可以在这款EconoTemp 32311-K上使用。这些温度探头包括微针探头、高强度探头、平面探头、深度煎炸探头和其他探头。生产于ISO 9001:2000美国企业。