电 话:86 0755 88850071
传 真:86 0755 88850103


1 、光学类 观察放大倍率: 6 倍

Optics Magnification : 6x

物镜直径: 25mm

Objective lens : 25mm

出瞳直径: 4mm

Exit pupil diameter : 4mm

视 场: 122m / 1000m 或 133yad/1000yad

Field of view : 122m / 1000m & 133yad/1000yad

膜 系: 多层复合镀膜

Type of coating : Fully multi-coated optics

棱镜类型: 4 类屋脊棱镜

Type of prism : Bak4 roof prism

调焦系统: 单目调焦

Focus system : Eyepiece focusing


2、激光类 激光类型: 1 类(人眼安全)

Range Finder Laser Type : Class 1(eye safe)

激光波长: 905nm

Laser wavelength: 905nm

测程范围: 5 ~ 700m

Measuring range : 5 ~ 700m

距离: 通常状态± 1m /yad

Accuracy : Normal condition ± 1m /yad

扫描模式: 有

Scan mode : Yes

单位转换: 米制 / 码制

Meters/Yards display : Yes

目标反射等级指示: 有

Target quality indicator : Yes


3 、其它 电池种类: CR2 型 3V 锂电

3 、 Misc Battery : CR2 battery DC3V

电池欠压指示: 有

“ Low Battery ” indicator : Yes

显示器: 透过式液晶显示器

Display : LCD indicator

总重量: 162 克

Weight : 162g

外形尺寸: 75 × 40 × 110 mm

Dimensions : 75 × 40 × 110 mm



1 、按下“ ACTION/ON ”电源键,打开电源。

1 、 Depress the power button “ ACTION/ON ” to turn the power on.

2 、按 下“ MODE ”模式键,切换选择距离单位 M 米制或 Y 码制。具有动态数据切换功能,即测回某一数据后, 按住 “模式”键,切换单位并自动转换数据并实时显示出来。

2 、 Depress the mode button to change “ Meters ” to “ Yards ” . Dynamic data switching function receive the data, hold down the "mode" button, switch units and automatically convert data and real-time show.

3 、按下“ ACTION/ON ”执行键 1 次,即可开始测距 1 次,右上角有模拟激光发射的标志在循环闪烁,表示正在发射激光。测回的数据显示在正下方,同时显示目标反射质量的高低指示,共分 5 级,从左到右由 5 个小块组成,小块越多表示反射越强。脱靶时显示“――――” 4 个短横线,表示目标太远无法测回。数据显示会一直保持直到下次操作或者自动断电为止。

3 、 Press the "ACTION / ON" button one time, and begin Ranging 1, the top-right corner of a simulated laser flashes signs in the loop, said it is launching laser. The data show that measurement is in the bottom, also showed that objective reflection of the level of quality instruction, is divided into five, from left to right by five small components, small reflection that the more the stronger. Distance show "----" 4 short horizontal line, that goal can not be measured too far back. Data show that will remain until the next operation or the power of automatically.

4 、按住“ ACTION/ON ”执行键不松开,则立即开始进行扫描连续测距,测量数据不断地刷新显示,直到 松开按键为止。

4 、 Hold down the "ACTION / ON" button non-release, immediately began to scan for location, continuously updated measurements show that up until the release button

5 、当电池快用完时,会在左上角显示一个电池符号,表示应该更换电池了。

5 、 When the battery is running low, in the upper left corner will display a battery symbol, that the battery should be replaced.

6 、在主界面下,电源将在无任何操作的约 30 秒后自动断电。

6 、 In the main interface, power supply will be no operation automatically after about 30 seconds off.




1 、 Viewing the sun can cause permanent eye damage.


2 、 Do not view the sun with this Range finder or even with the naked eye.