传统火灾报警系统 消控制面板fire alarm panel
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:0755-27348356
手 机:15818607526

传统火灾报警系统 消防控制面板fire alarm panel

4/8/16路多线报警主机,每路可连接25个探测器,直观一对一状态显示,一路声光报警输出,一路火警、故障、监控报警输出 General Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel with eight Zones Key Specifications/Special Features
?Eight Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs).
 ?All zones accept two-wire smoke detectors and any normally-open contact devices.
 ?Two built-in, Style Y (Class B) Notification Appliance (Signal) Circuits (NACs).
 ?Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory, Form-C relays standard.
 ?24-volt operation.
?Resettable four-wire smoke detector power @ 500 mA.
?Non-resettable power @ 500 mA.
 ?One-man walk-test programmable for silent or audible test.
?Disable/Enable control per IDC.
?Reverse polarity protection.