Frontline BPA500/BPA600蓝牙协议分析仪
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:+86-0755-83760223
手 机:15099938720
传 真:075583760753
Key Benefits
? Analyze NOW - see events as
they occur through live decoding
and decryption of encrypted data
? Extraordinarily portable size
and USB-powered make this the
perfect tool for bench or field
? No Hassles Decoding - features
simple device setup for
developers of Bluetooth Smart
and Smart Ready technologies -
just plug into the USB port and
? Excellent Value
Tailored specifically to low energy
analysis, the ComProbe BPA low
energy features maximum value
for the money
? Industry-best Decodes
Bluetooth decodes that make
for reliable development and
? Maximum Flexibility
DecoderScript lets you specify
decodes for custom protocols
? Faster to Market
Reduces debug time with
simultaneous live capture, display,
decode, filtering and detection of
protocol errors