特惠!二手HIOKI 8825存储记录仪
电 话:0512-66050985
手 机:13862598742
传 真:0512-66050995
特惠!二手HIOKI 8825存储记录仪的详细信息
  • 类型:函数记录
  • 测量:(℃)
  • 分辨率:(℃)
  • 度:——
  • 测量范围:——(℃)
  • 电源电压:——(V)
  • 工作湿度:——(℃)
  • 工作温度:——(℃)
  • 功率:(W)
  • 取样率:(次/秒)
  • 重量:(kg)
  • 外形尺寸:**(mm)


特惠!二手HIOKI 8825存储记录仪新利通新到二手仪器Advantest/爱德万万用表 R6551Fluck?? 数据采集器 2620A金进JSG?? 信号发生器 SG1501BHIOKI日置??? 数据存储记录仪???? 8825安捷伦信号发生器 E4433B安捷伦信号发生器 E4436BThe 8825 can record 16 analog channels and 32 logic channels simultaneously, and the analog channels are all isolated from each other. The GUI (graphical user interface) indicates the function of each key by an ionic symbol. This makes it much easier to use. Additionally the 10-inch display provides greater overall visibility. The 8825 has a thermal printer using 264 mm-wide recording paper, and the high resolution of 8 dots/ mm makes even large recordings smooth. Themral paper is inexpensive and so the greater the volume of use, the more the cost saving. The new version adds full FFT capability, allowing applications to use spectral analysis, transfer function calculation, octave analysis and so forth. The 8825 also has a full range of features for wavefrom differentiation, finding effective values, and waveform discrimination.