PMC UC 35投影机
电 话:028 82009998
传 真:028 82009998
 1.全密封设计,高效散热通路,显著提升整机稳定性及寿命。   Complete sealing design and high-efficiency cooling   channel which canremarkably enhance its stability   and lifetime.2.LED光源寿命长达5万小时,色彩更艳丽,细节更丰富。 Long lifetime LED lamp, above 50,000 hours, more beautiful in colors and more abundant in details.3.电子变焦缩放功能,图像大小随意调节。 Electronic zooming function and free image size setting.4.故障诊断及保护措施。 Professional failure diagnose and protective measure.5.16:9与4:3图像模式自由变换。 Free image mode transform from 16:9 to 4:3.6.整机小巧轻便。 Light and handy.7.超静音隔离防尘设计,终身无需清洗。 Dustproof design, so no need to clean.以上是PMC UC 35投影机的详细信息,如果您对PMC UC 35投影机的价格、厂家、型号、图片有什么疑问,请联系我们获取PMC UC 35投影机的新信息。