六类多股软跳线 cat 6 patch cord
电 话:574-23668738
传 真:574-23668787
 咨询电话:, 联系人:梁静邮件:  ,QQ 慈溪市天亿富电子科技有限公司创立于1991年初,在深圳太阳风的基础上发展起来的,公司以生产网络综合布线产品(网线,水晶头,网络跳线。网络工具,配线架,模块,面板等综合布线产品)户外用大功率手电筒,电脑周边产品(USB灯,USB吸尘器,USB风扇,USB数据连接线,USB电脑吸尘器,电子香烟等).公司的产品和服务在国内外客户中享有良好的口碑,尤其在两项专长产品上,更是不逊于国际品牌,乃是品牌贴牌商产的理想选择。公司在网线,跳线,水晶头方面独具优势,跳线有数据上网线,CAT5 UTP,CAT5E UTP,CAT5E FTP,CAT5E SFTP,CAT6 UTP,CAT6 FTP,CAT6 STP,CAT6 SSTP,CAT6 ,手电筒,为瞒足不同层次和用途的客户,我们对测试标准和材质进行分类,不仅满足客户对品质的要求,而且能满足客户在成本及价格方面的要求,跳线的测试标准分为:导通测试,FLUCKE通道测试,FLUCKE跳线模式测试,材质分为:纯铜,铜包钢,铜包铝,线规分为:28AWG,26AWG,25AWG.24AWG,23AWG.尽显。本公司具有从产品研发、模具制作、注塑、装配,一条龙生产的能力,自主设计的产品数十款、上百种规格,获得了几十个国家知识产权句授予的证书、欧盟授予的CE证书、ROHS等“坚持卓越品质,成就行业品牌”公司本着好看,好用,好参数指标的“三好”标准,坚持优质,低价,,创新的理念,为客户提供国际一流水平的产品和服务,衷心希望广大新老客户积极垂询和使用本公司产品“卓越赢得信赖”,创新决胜未来“咨询电话:,邮件:  ,QQ CIXI TYF Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.is an putstanding company with integration of product research,production,sales and services,Our factory is located in Ningbo at mainland China ,which specializes in manufacturing various types of computer and Network products such as cables,RJ45 RJ11 RJ12 plugs,connectors,patch cords ,Network tools ,patch panel,module jack,USB light and USB fan,USB computer vacuum,Clamp light ,etc.We have a strong troop dealing with researching,management,manufacture and sale.TYF consistently provides not only variety of high quality products at competitive prices,but also thoughtful services and long term business relationships to worldwide customers,Our experienced R&D Departmennt continuously improves the design and manufacturing of our product,OEM orders for RJ45 plugs ,patch cords Netwotk tools patch panel,module jack,USB fan ,etc.Are welcome .Oriented by its quality of offering superior products and satisfactory services to customers.the company will constantly enhance its technical standard and service standard.assure its product quality by its confidence and strength ,offer satisfactory services to all the customers and make TYF product a guarantee to your success. We will further increase our production capacity and product series ,make out long-term development strategy ,upgrade our quality and servies and offe our customers the best products.Mainly products :cables,RJ45 plugs ,RJ11/RJ12 connector ,patch cord ,Network tools ,patch panel,module jack,USB light and USB computer vacuum ….  CIXI TYF Electronic Technology Co.,LtdTel:0086-Fax:0086-MSN::QQ: 以上是六类多股软跳线 cat 6 patch cord的详细信息,如果您对六类多股软跳线 cat 6 patch cord的价格、厂家、型号、图片有什么疑问,请联系我们获取六类多股软跳线 cat 6 patch cord的新信息。