FM 100 Hue Test色棋(图)
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This test gives you an easy-to-administer but highly effective method formeasuring any individual s color vision. Used by the government and industryfor over 40 years, the test consists of four trays containing a total of 85removable color reference caps (incremental hue variation) spanning thevisible spectrum. Color vision abnormalities and aptitude are detected by theability of the test subject to place the color caps in order of hue. We alsoinclude Windows?-based PC scoring software. The four trays are boxed in ahandsome carrying case. The test must be administered under daylightconditions such as that provided by GretagMacbeth SpectraLight? andJudge viewing booths or the Sol-Source desk lamp.以上是FM 100 Hue Test色棋(图)的详细信息,如果您对FM 100 Hue Test色棋(图)的价格、厂家、型号、图片有什么疑问,请联系我们获取FM 100 Hue Test色棋(图)的新信息。