立式光学计(光学比较仪)|LG-1 本仪器是一种采用量块或标准零件与试件相比较的方式测量物体外形尺寸的仪器。主要用于五等量块,柱型规及各种圆柱形,球形,线形等物体的直径或板形物体的厚度的精密测量,对被测件作微小位移测量。亦可用来控制精密零件的加工。
The optimeter is widely used to precisely measure external size of workpiece by comparison with a gauge block or standard part. It is applicable for examining 5-grade gauge blocks, cylinder gauges and external sizes of precision parts such as parallel planes, spheres
and cylinders.
被测件长度 Max. measured length | 80 mm` |
直接测量范围 Measuring range | ±0.1 mm |
分划板分度值 Scale graduation | 1 μm
总放大倍数 Total magnification | 1000 x
测量压力 Measuring pressute | (2±0.2) N |
示值变动性 Instability | 0.1 μm |
不准确度 Max. inaccuracy | ±0.25 μm
读数方式 Reading mode
| 分划板读数 Optical reticule |
测量误差 Max.measurement error | ±(0.5+L/100) μm L是被测长度,以mm计 L is the measured length in mm
仪器体积 Dimensions
| 340×160×410 mm |
仪器重量 Weight
| 30 kg |
标准配件 Standard attachments | | | 可调带筋园台Ribbed circular stage, adjustable 可调园平台Planar circular stage, adjustable 带筋固定方台Ribbed square stage, fixed 平面测帽Planar contact tip, Ф2 平面测帽Planar contact tip, Ф 8 小球面测帽Small spherical contact tip 刃形测帽Knife contact tip | | |