电 话:021-64283335
手 机:13501903943
传 真:021-64283339
Measuring head CX CI 
Image acquistion module BM 512 Digital camera with progressive- 
scan technology, up to 25fps, 
512 x 512 Pixel, 8bit, Firewire Fast digital camera with progressive- 
scan technology, up to 58fps, 
512 x 512 Pixel, 12 Bit, Firewirs 
light source, adjustable Halogen light source 
(LS 100) Powerfull-Xe-light source 
(LX 100, LX 180) 

Scan modules   
x, y-axis module MS 50 Precision x, y-table, 50 x 50mm, resolution 0.1μm 
z-axis module ZM 100 Precision scanning module, range 100mm, resolution 0.1μm 
z-axis module NV 350 - Fast precision scanning module (Piezo), 
measuring range 350μm, resolution < 1nm 

Optic modules1) 1600 S 800 L / S / XS 320 L / S / XS 160 L / S 
Measurement area (x/y)(um)2 
(XY测量范围) 1600 x x 800 320 x 320 160 x 160 
Numerical aperture 
(NA值) 0.3 0.4 / 0.46 / 0.6 0.5 / 0.8 / 0.95 0.8 / 0.95 
Working distance(mm) 
Z方向测量范围 10.1 12 / 3.1 / 0.9 10.6 / 0.66 / 0.3 3.4 / 0.31 
Resolution in z-direction(nm)CX 
(Z方向范围分辨率)     CI2) 50 
20 35 / 30 / - 
6 / 5 / 4 25 / 15 / - 
4 / 2 / 2 - 
2 / 1 
Resolution in x,y-direction 
(XY分辨率) 2.9 1.5 0.6 0.31 
1) L : long working distance, S : normal working distance, XS : short working distance, 2) noise level (only with NV350)