电 话:86 518 85487959
手 机:13338989997
传 真:86 518 85487959
  • 产品名称:望远镜
  • 产品类型:侦查类
  • 产品编号:C-013
  • 所属分类:侦查、反侦查类  
  • 产品说明:产地:俄罗斯品牌:贝戈士描述:    放大倍率8倍,10倍,12倍,分民用与军用。该设备,体积小巧,携带轻便,主要应用于公安,特警,武警,快速反应部队的武装侦察,隐秘跟踪,观测地形,蹲点侦测等侦察任务。赛宁国际贸易有限公司位于中国江苏省连云港市,主营机械设备、安防设备、办公用品,如钻机、钻塔、特种车和保险箱、探测仪,以及水晶工艺品等,具有独立进出口权。自成立以来,赛宁国际贸易有限公司始终坚持以人为本,以创新为发展动力,秉承诚信、品质、国际化的企业经营理念,争创市场一流品牌。连云港赛宁国际贸易有限公司内外贸兼具,以品种齐全、价格合理的优势,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,赢得了广大客户的一致好评。在机遇与挑战面前,我们将不断求索,愿与所有的伙伴一路同行,扬帆启航。Lianyungang Saining International Trade Co., Ltdwas located in the very beautiful seaside city—LianYungang. With the sovereignty for exporting and importing, we are mainly engaged in engineering plant, security equipment, and office supplies, such as the drill rigs, drill towers, the special type transport vehicle, the safes, the detectors, as well as the crystals. Since the establishment, for the great goal to seek for first-class brandwe have remained people oriented, and creating is the power of development; and been upholding the operational conceptions of faith, quality, and internationalization.. With uniting domestic and foreign trade, we enjoy superior status and general admiration from the clients, because of the advantage of a complete range of articles and reasonable price. With opportunities and challenges, we are willing to seek steadily and set sail with all the companions.