地区:江苏省 苏州市
产品型号FZ-8807 UL
本机在将橡胶或塑胶哑铃状试片磨平、磨薄或磨出所需之厚度。试片台左右、上下及前后之移动,以扳手操作,安全好用,机台上所配之数显转速表能显示实际转速,规格符合 UL1581 标准要求。 
This machine is used to grind the dumb-bell specimen of rubberplastic to the desired thickness。Specimen table can be operated by wrench to move right / left / upward / downward / forward / backward。It is safetyeasy in use。Its specifications conform to UL1581 standard。

 砂轮      Grinding wheel
 速度      Speed
  4000 ~ 5000 尺 / 分钟 ( feet / min )
 转速表 Rotating speed meter
  电子式,6 位数 Electronic type 6 digits
 电源      Power  AC220V / 50Hz