地区:浙江省 宁波市
电 话:0574 58125202
手 机:13958378102
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    RF-01-1座椅传感器说明书 汽车座椅传感器是一种薄膜型触点传感器,传感器的触点均匀分布在座椅的受力表面,当座椅受来自于外部的压力时产生一个触发信号。运用于汽车座椅乘员感知系统,如安全带报警传感器.出租车自动计费器等。它可以根据汽车座椅的形状.硬度和蒙皮的松紧度来设计传感器的外形及触点的灵敏度。联系人:徐鹏邮箱xp@电话: Auto seat sensor is a membrane touch point sensor and touch point was distributed uniformity on the suffer facade of seat. It is use to apperceive system of auto seat, such as safety belt alarm sensor, Taxi meter automatism….. We can design to different sensor figure and touch point sensitivity according to shape, rigidity and elasticity of car seat. Contact: XuPengxp@ mailboxPhone: