发布时间:2019/7/23 16:06:00"三航"名校-西北工业大学采购ZKF-1型单工位真空封管机
西北工业大学(Northwestern Polytechnical University)简称“西工大”,位于古都西安,直属中华人民共和国工业和信息化部,中央直管副部级建制,是中国所以同时发展航空、航天、航海(三航)工程教育和科学研究为特色的全国重点大学,世界一流大学建设高校A类,“985工程”、“211工程”重点建设高校。
Northwest Polytechnic University (hereinafter referred to as "Western Polytechnic University") is located in the ancient capital of Xi'an, directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, and the central government directly administers the sub-ministerial system. It is the only one in China that is characterized by the simultaneous development of engineering education and scientific research in aviation, Aerospace and navigation. National key universities, the world-class universities to build a class A, "985 Project" and "211 Project" key construction colleges and universities.
This time, Northwest Polytechnic University purchased ZKF-1 vacuum sealing machine, in order to seal its material in quartz tube simply, safely and efficiently. Because long ago, there was no such safety sealing device, resulting in inefficiency and potential safety hazards. Therefore, our ZKF-1 vacuum sealing pipe is welcomed by colleges and universities. We believe that we can bring more experimental equipment, serve our universities, and serve our science and technology.
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西北工業大学(Northwester n Polytechnical University)の略称は「西工大」で、古都西安に位置しています。中華人民共和国工業と情報化部に直属しています。中央直轄副省級の建設は中国の航空、宇宙、航海(三航)工事教育と科学研究を同時に発展させることが特色です。全国重点大学、世界一流大学建設高校A類、「985プロジェクト」、「211プロジェクト」重点建設高校。