勤奋严谨,天津师范大学咨询采购ZT-4A(X )型铁电材料参数测试仪

发布时间:2019/6/10 11:47:00

勤奋严谨,天津师范大学咨询采购ZT-4A(X )型铁电材料参数测试仪

勤奋严谨,天津师范大学咨询采购ZT-4A(X )型铁电材料参数测试仪



Tianjin Normal University

天津师范大学(Tianjin Normal University),简称“天师大”,坐落于中国历史文化名城、直辖市天津。入选教育部“卓越教师培养计划”、国家“特色重点学科项目”、”国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目“、批“教育部来华留学示范基地”、“中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校”、“中日人文交流大学联盟”  ,是天津市属重点大学。学校的办学目标是将天津师范大学建设成为国内一流的教师教育特色综合性大学。 


       天津师范大学此次专门针对材料的研究,咨询购买了 ZT-4A(X)型铁电材料参



Tianjin Normal University
Tianjin Normal University
Tianjin Normal University, referred to as “Tianshida”, is located in the historical and cultural city of China and the municipality of Tianjin. Selected as the "Excellent Teacher Training Program" of the Ministry of Education, the National "Special Key Discipline Project", "National Construction of High-Level University Public School Graduate Program", the first batch of "Ministry of Education to Study Abroad Programs in China", and "Chinese Government Scholarships for Chinese Students to Receive" The "University" and "China-Japan Humanities Exchange University Alliance" are key universities in Tianjin. The school's goal is to build Tianjin Normal University into a first-class comprehensive university with a comprehensive education of teachers.


        Tianjin Normal University specializes in material research and consulted to purchase ZT-4A (X) type ferroelectric material

Number measurement system, the equipment is related to the undergraduate and research knowledge of the electrical hysteresis loop and residual polarization of ferroelectric materials.

Parameters play an important role in further enhancing the comprehensive intuitive understanding of ferroelectric materials.

天津師範大学は天天田と呼ばれ、歴史的、文化的な都市の中国と天津市にあります。 文部省の「優秀教員養成プログラム」、国家「特別鍵規律プロジェクト」、「高等大学公立学校大学院プログラムの国家建設」、「中国へ留学する文部省のプログラム」、および「中国留学生のための中国政府奨学金」に選ばれる。 「大学」と「日中人文交流大学同盟」は天津の主要大学です。 学校の目的は、天津師範大学を総合的な教師教育を受けた一流の総合的な大学にすることです。




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