SHFGY世畦,世之一畦!其经营业务:科技研发、推广、转让;国学五术文化咨询、服务;广告传播技术支持、设计策划;市场调研、金融顾问、财税咨询;相关科研成果、配套用品、艺术工件的贸易业。 SHFGY世畦科技研发、推广、转让……:技术研究开发、咨询交流、推广转让,工程和技术研究和试验发展,自然科学研究和试验发展,医学研究和试验发展,生物和化学工程技术开发和应用,新材料技术开发和推广,网络与信息技术开发和服务,智能机器和新设备的研发,基础地质研究。 SHFGY世畦文化咨询、服务……:顺形聚神,选址定位,摆设布局,居宅商铺办公室生产基地文化;观水识龙,察砂点穴,会意立向,阴宅生基文化。天文历法,阴阳历,天象地形文化;择吉用时,得日月,就吉避凶文化。命局运理,顺天意,趋利避害文化;面相体格,识彼此,共谋互赢文化。堪舆理气,历法择吉,命理相学;寻地造利,观天定时,因人谋事。信息、文化、艺术咨询服务,健康咨询服务,养生保健服务。 SHFGY世畦广告传播技术支持、设计策划……:视频摄制,数字内容制作,文艺创作,广告策划设计、代理、制作,形象策划推广,娱乐活动策划服务,规划设计服务。 SHFGY世畦市场调研、金融顾问、财税咨询……:信息咨询服务,企业管理,投资咨询服务,投资活动,商务秘书服务,财税咨询服务,会计、审计及税务服务,商务服务活动。 SHFGY世畦批发、零售……:化妆品,护肤品,美容面膜,洁肤乳液,护肤品原料,日化用品原料,生物提取原料,原液,冻干粉,精华液,精油,医疗器械(一类),卫生和医疗用品(一次性类)。贵重金属艺术品,贵重金属合金,首饰配件,珠宝首饰,玉雕艺术品,景泰蓝工艺品,角、骨、牙、介首饰及艺术品。其他经营范围内的物品。 广州市世畦科技有限责任公司自创立以来,一直秉承“客户中心、诚实守信、精益求精”的理念,并就“整合渠道资源,促进行业发展”的方向不懈努力,而形成“自强、合作、共赢”的企业文化。广州市世畦科技有限责任公司发展过程中,以良好的职业道德、良好的商业信誉、高质量的产品、完善的配送服务、专业的技术支持,赢得广大客户朋友的信赖、认可。广州市世畦科技有限责任公司期待同广大客户及业界同仁携手共进,共享成功! Based on the international advanced biotechnology, including targeting synthesis by cells, efficient secretion, safe separation, target purification, safe preservation and other technologies, combined with comprehensive tests from overseas clinics and wide range of application experiences, SHFGY Biotechnology Supplier, is professional provider of skin care materials and beauty products, involved beauty type for daily care, mesotherapy type for subhealthy skin, dermal matrix therapy type for pathological skin and so on. Furthermore, she is the tailor-made developer of your personalized products, according to your special requirements. SHFGY, our fitness brand. SHFGY technical solutions, such as WITY whitening package, MIBY moisturizing package, ANTY anti-aging & anti-wrinkle package, SEVY allergy treatment package, REDY bloodshot treatment package, HEALY healing pakage, and so on. SHFGY evolutions, there are more new materials meeting your process new needs, there are more personalized products meeting your new designed ideas, there are more solutions solving the problems of your new customers. From the moment being founded, SHFGY Biotechnology Supplier is always holding his belief of client-orientation, being honest and faithful and seeking for greater perfection. He makes tireless efforts on an aim to integrate different channels of resources and to promote the development of this industry, so as to form a corporate culture including the factors as follows: a fundamental principle of good faith, a promptly response, a quality guarantee and a none time-limit communication. During the development process, SHFGY Biotechnology Supplier has gained clients’ trust widely, based on his excellent professional ethics, the first-class commercial standing, high qualified products, perfect dispatching services and professional technical support. Looking into the future, SHFGY Biotechnology Supplier expects to work closely with both our clients and our colleagues in order to obtain more accomplishments.