百欧博伟生物 豚鼠韦荣球菌 ATCC菌种

发布时间:2018/11/13 16:42:00

Veillonella caviae Mays et al. 拉丁名
(ATCC? 33540?) 统一编号
Strain Designations 别名 VPI 12140
Isolation 分离基物 Guinea pig mouth
Biosafety Level 生物安全等级 1
Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.
Product Format 提供形式 freeze-dried
Preceptrol? no
Type Strain 模式菌种 yes (type strain)
Medium 培养基 ATCC? Medium 593: Chopped meat medium
Growth Conditions 生长条件
Temperature 培养温度: 37.0°C
Atmosphere: Anaerobic
Name of Depositor 寄存者 LV Holdeman
Chain of Custody 来源国家 ATCC <<--LV Holdeman<<--M. Rogosa PV1
Isolation 分离基物 Guinea pig mouth
References 参考文献 Mays TD, et al. Taxonomy of the genus Veillonella Prevot. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 32: 28-36, 1982.



type strain
type strain