盐城市爱瑞斯消防器材科技有限公司位于东台市东台镇龙光西路1号。主要致力于消 防器材、船舶配件、救生器材、应急救援、环保设备、安防设备的整体方案设计和销 售。主要服务于船舶、铁路、石油、煤矿、电力、消防、救援领域。公司坚持以商贸 为导向,以科技为动力、以信息为依托、以服务为保障的企业发展战略。先后在全国 32个省、直辖市建立了销售和服务机构,做到为客户设计、施工、服务、维保等一条 龙服务,业绩已经延伸到海外等多个国家和地区,使公司的销售、服务、品牌进一步 提升。我们将一如既往,与时俱进,开拓创新,求实奋进。我们期待与您的合作,铸 就一个更美好的灿烂辉煌的明天。 Company profile:Yancheng ARRIS Fire Tech Co., Ltd. is located in No.1 Long Guang West Road, Dongtai City. We focused on the overall program design and sales of fire equipment, marine accessories, life-saving equipment, emergency rescue, environmental protection equipment and security equipment. Main services ships, railway, petroleum, coal, electricity, fire and rescue. Our company always guided by