
发布时间:2018/5/16 10:55:00

Italian Energy
FIAMM was born in 1942 in the land of Romeo and Juliet. But its story began even earlier, when young engineer Giulio Dolcetta collaborated on the grand civil works of the Twenties and the electrification projects of the Thirties, experiences that allowed him to foresee the potential of Elettra, that was bought and transformed into FIAMM. The name of ‘Fabbrica Italiana Accumulatori Motocarri Montecchio’ (Italian Manufacturer Motorvehicle Batteries Montecchio) will remain as such, testimony to the origins of its founders, just as the main offices will remain at Montecchio. It was the sons of Giulio – Giovanni, Francesco and Mario – and grandson Claudio who were responsible for FIAMM’s success and its basic spirit, the belief that they were part of a united group, custodians of a great tradition, and the strong ties to the community that today manifest themselves in initiatives that support the environment and the people who live there; like the sponsorship of Vicenza’s Communal Theater and the running of the nursery school and Montecchio’s kindergarten. Initiatives meant to repay the local community for giving the company expertise, human resources and much, much more.