发布时间:2025/3/11 8:15:00给煤机测速编码器产品说明书
Coal machine speed encoder product specification
名称:转速传感器Speed sensor
测速传感器应用于给煤机自动控制、测量、各种电机和速度类机械产品。测速传感器可靠性高、寿命长、抗干扰性能强。使用的金属外壳更加牢固抗冲击。本产品采用无健槽锁紧环固定方式,安装方便。The speed sensor is applied to automatic control and measurement of coal feeder, various motors and speed mechanical products. The speed sensor has high reliability, long life and strong anti-interference performance. The metal housing used is stronger and more impact resistant. This product adopts the fastening method of the locking ring without the strong groove, which is convenient to install.
输出波形Output waveform:方波square wave
响应频率Response frequency:0-120KHz
工作电源Working Power Supply:DC10-36V
工作温度Operating temperature:-20℃~85℃
脉 冲 数Number of pulses:600、(其他脉冲数需要预定Other pulses need to be booked)、1024、1200、2500
输出形式 Output form:插头Plug
外形尺寸External dimensions:95mm*43mm
内部轴径Internal shaft diameter:40mm
产品重量Product weight:About约460g(不计输出导线The output wire is not counted)
接线Wiring:白色:正极(White: positive) 黑色:负极(Black: negative)
红色:A信号 (Red: Signal A) 绿色:B信号(Green: Signal B)
主要经营:电涡流传感器,振动传感器,转速表,一体化振动变送器,一体化电涡流传感器,压力变送器,温度传感器,转速传感器,轴振动变送保护表,轴振动监测仪,轴位移监控仪,便携式测振仪,热膨胀传感器 振动温度组合探头 三参数组合探头 四参数组合探头