东莞市泽昊照明科技有限公司成立于2007年,座落在全球制造业名城东莞市,是从事照明技术研发、设计、生产、销售一体的生产型民营企业,生产LED日光灯、PC管、PC双色管、PC单色管、PC灯罩、灯头、挤出模、注塑模、CNC加工及LED相关室内外照明灯具。公司技术力量雄厚,采用全自动生产线、先进的电脑检测设备,而且拥有一批朝气蓬勃、团结合作的年轻化技术人员;本公司已拥有产品的自主知识产权,已申请国家发明专利;产品具有低耗、高亮、长寿、环保等特点,是新一代绿色照明产品。公司坚持“顾客至上,质量”的经营理念,竭诚希望与国内外客商洽谈合作,共创绿色照明! Dong guan ZeHao Lighting Technology Co. Ltd is a professional private lighting company which covers R & D, manufacturing and overseas trading of LED fluorescent light and other LED related indoor and outdoor lights.Our company have a strong technical force, full automatic production line and advanced computer measuring equipment, what's more, we have a team of young professional technicians with a lot of vigour, vitality and teamwork spirit. The prop