佛山市诺先陶瓷机电设备有限公司 On Tech Ignition System Limited


The company engages in producing various types of spark plugs, accessories for furnaces. Central electrodes are made of alloy. They can withstand extreme high temperature.

The company is capable of manufacturing various spark plugs. The diameters of the central electrodes range from 2mm to 5 mm.

The company can produce spark plugs according to your drawing or samples.

Excellent quality, reasonable price! Please contact:

电话:13929990777 销售经理: 何先生

Sales Manager Tel: 86-13929990777 Mr. Ho

传真:0757-88012881  Fax: 86-757-88012881

Address: 中国广东省佛山市禅城区江湾三路中国陶瓷城

China Ceramics City, Jiang Wan S