发布时间:2020/5/8 8:34:00?延时
通道 4路可设定脉宽和位置的独立脉冲输出; 8路可供选择的延时输出(see Output Options)。
范围 0 to 2000 s
分辨率 5 ps
1 ns + (timebase error × delay)
Ext. trig. to any output <25 ps + (timebase jitter × delay)
T0 to any output <15 ps + (timebase jitter × delay)
触发延时 85 ns (ext. trig. to T0 output)
比率 DC to 1/(100 ns + longest delay)(maximum of 10 MHz)
阈值 ±3.50 VDC
斜率 Trigger on rising or falling edge
阻抗 1 MΩ + 15 pF
触发模式 Continuous, line or single shot
比率 100 μHz to 10 MHz
分辨率 1 μHz
Same as timebase
抖动(rms) <25 ps (10 MHz/N trigger rate)
<100 ps (other trigger rates)
Option03是组合式脉冲输出端口,输出形式有:T0, AB, CD, EF, GH (with the same definition as the front-panel outputs), and (AB+CD), (EF+GH), (AB+CD+EF), (AB+CD+EF+GH)。
T0, AB, CD, EF, GH Logic high for time between delays
(AB+CD), (EF+GH) Two pulses created by the logic OR of the given channels
(AB+CD+EF) Three pulses created by the logic OR of the given channels
(AB+CD+EF+GH) Four pulses created by the logic OR of the given channels?Burst Generator
Trigger to first T0
Range 0 to 2000 s
Resolution 5 ps
Period between pulses
Range 100 ns to 42.9 s
Resolution 10 ns
Delay cycles per burst 1 to 232 – 1
数字延时脉冲发生器DG645由高电路产生TTL幅值的脉冲并进行数字化控制其延迟时间进行输出。并提供四个单独的脉冲输出,*多八个延时逻辑转换。该仪器提供更低的抖动,更高的,更快的触发频率和更多的输出。所有通道的延时分辨率为5ps,并且每个通道之间的抖动小于25ps。脉冲频率高达10MHz。 DG645可以通过以太网、GPIB和RS-232接口于计算机相连。此设备非常适用于多台设备的时序控制实验,并广泛应用在激光控制、光电科研、测试和测量系统中。