M8050A误码率测试仪:M8042A码型发生器+M8043A误码分析仪+M8009A抖动调制+(远程头M8059A或M8069A, M8058A或M8068A)+主机M9505A+M8070A程控软件
keysight是德科技M8040A误码率测试仪(64G) keysight是德科技M8040A误码率测试仪(64G)
keysight是德科技M8040A误码率测试仪(64G) keysight是德科技M8040A误码率测试仪(64G)
M8040A 64 GBaud 高性能比特误码率测试仪The M8040A high performance BERT covers all flavors of 400 GbE standards testing with support for PAM4 and NRZ signals and data rates up to 64 GBaud
利用 M8040A 获得准确且可重复的结果
M8040A 高性能 BERT 的跳变时间更短,固有抖动更低,能够提供数据速率高达 64 GBaud 的纯净 NRZ 和 PAM4 信号。 M8040A 的远程前端和 1.85 mm 短电缆使测试点可以尽量接近被测器件,zu1大限度降低有损通道造成的信号衰减。
2 至 64 GBaud 的 PAM4 信号数据速率
真正的实时 PAM4 误码检测能力,数据速率高达 58 GBaud
整合和校准过的抖动注入:RJ、PJ1、PJ2、SJ、BUJ 和时钟/2 抖动
8/16/32/64 GT/s PCI Express? 交互式链路训练和 SKP OS 过滤
可以通过算法生成 PRBS、QPRBS 码型,也可以使用保存在存储器中的码型或是通过码型序列发生器生成的码型
用于 PAM4、Gray 编码、FEC 编码、预编码器和误码分布分析
M8040A 专为研发和测试工程师设计,帮助他们表征芯片、器件、收发信机模块和子组件、电路板以及系统。这些被测器件和系统配有串行 I/O 端口,数据速率高达 32 GBaud 和 64 GBaud,主要在服务器、计算、数据中心和通信行业中使用。
许多流行的互连标准使用了 PAM4 和 NRZ 数据格式。M8040A 可对这些标准进行接收机(输入)测试,如下所示:PCIe 6.0/5.0/4.0、TBT3、400 GbE、50/100/200/400/800 GbE、OIF CEI-56G 和 CEI-112G、64G/112G 光纤通道、Infiniband-HDR,以及芯片间、芯片与模块、背板、中继器和有源光缆的专有接口。
M8040A 64 GBaud BERT 的码型发生器可提供纯净的 32 和 26.5625 GBaud PAM4 输出信号。

M8040A | High-Performance BERT, 64 GBaud Configuration for 5-Slot Chassis |
M8045A-G32 | Pattern Generator one Channel NRZ, Data Rate up to 32 GBaud (requires Remote Head, e.g. M8057B) | |
M8045A-G64 | Pattern Generator one Channel NRZ, Data Rate up to 64 GBaud (requires Remote Head, e.g. M8057B) |
M8045A-0G2 | Second Channel, Hardware and License (requires Remote Head, e.g. M8057B) | |
M8045A-0G3 | Advanced Jitter Sources for Receiver Characterization, Module-wide License | |
M8045A-0G4 | De-emphasis, Module-wide License | |
M8045A-0P3 | PAM-4 Encoding up to 32 GBaud, Module-wide License | |
M8045A-0G9 | Forward Error Correction (FEC) Encoding, Module-wide License | |
M8045A-0G6 | Reference Clock Multipler, Module-wide License |
M8046A-A32 | Analyzer, one Channel, Data Rate up to 32 GBaud, NRZ | |
M8046A-A64 | Analyzer, one Channel, Data Rate up to 64 GBaud, NRZ |
M8046A-0A4 | Clock Recovery for 32 Gbaud, License | |
M8046A-0A5 | Clock Recovery Extension up to 64 Gbaud, License | |
M8046A-0S1 | Interactive Link Training for PCIe 8/16/32 GT/s, License | |
M8046A-0S2 | SKP OS Filtering for PCIe 8/16/32 GT/s and CCIX 20/25 Gb/s, License | |
M8046A-0S3 | Interactive Link Training for USB 3.2, 5G and 10G, x1 and x2, License | |
M8046A-0S4 | SKP OS Filtering for USB 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, License | |
M8046A-0S6 | ALIGN Filtering for SATA 3G/6G and SAS 3G/6G/12G, License | |
M8046A-0N1 | PCIe LTSSM for 64 GT/s, requires M8046A-0S1/US1 | |
M8046A-0N2 | PCIe Filtering of SKP OS Extension for 64 GT/s, requires M8046A-0S2 or M8046A-US2 | |
M8046A-0A3 | Equalizer License | |
M8046A-0P3 | PAM-4 Decoding up to 32 GBaud | |
M8046A-0P6 | PAM-4 Extension up to 58 Gbaud, License |
M8054A-FG | Interference Source Module, 1-slot AXIe |
M8040A-BU2 | Bundle consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis | |
M8040A-BU3 | Bundle consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis and one M9537A AXIe Embedded PC Controller with 16GB RAM and Windows 10 Option |
M8045A-801 | Short Cable 1.85 mm (m) to 1.85 mm (m), 0.15 m, absolute matching 699 ps +- 1 ps | |
M8045A-802 | Matched Directional Coupler Pair for external Interference Source, 50 GHz, 13 dB, 2.4 mm | |
M8045A-803 | Matched Coupler Pair for external Interference Source, 40 GHz, 12 dB, 2.4 mm | |
M8046A-801 | Cable, 2.92 mm (m) to 2.92 mm (m), Length 0.5 m | |
M8046A-802 | Matched Cable Pair, 2.4 mm, 2 ps, Length 0.85 m | |
M8046A-803 | Matched Cable Pair, 2.4 mm to MMPX, 2 ps match, 40 GHz, Length 914 mm | |
M8046A-804 | Matched Cable Pair, 2.4 mm to 2.92 mm, 2 ps match, 40 GHz, Length 914 mm | |
M8049A | ISI Channel Boards | |
M8047B | Redriver 32 Gbaud, 1 Channel |
M9048B | PCIe Host Adapter: Single Port (x8), Gen 3 |
M8070ISIB | Adjustable ISI Package for M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions | |
M8070ADVB | Advanced Measurement Package for M8000 Series BER Test Solutions | |
M8070EDAB | Error Distribution Analysis Package for M8000 Series BER Test Solutions |
M8054A 干扰源,32 GHz
32 GHz interference source blade for the M8040A BERT
波峰因数 > 4 的随机电平干扰
带宽调节范围高达 32 GHz
4 个差分输出通道,可以避免使用平衡-不平衡转换器
幅度调节范围高达 1 Vpp(单端)、2 Vpp(差分)
单插槽 AXIe 模块,可与 M8040A 高性能 BERT 组成综合配置
图形用户界面,并通过 M8000 系列 BERT 测试解决方案的 M8070B 系统软件提供远程控制
Keysight M8054A 干扰源能够生成重复而j1ng确的电平补偿,支持测试符号率高达 64 Gbaud 的高速数字接收机。
对配有 PCIe? 4/5、OIF CEI-56G、IEEE802.3 bs、bj、cd、by、SAS 和其他高速数字接口的器件进行接收机测试。
M8045A-802 | Matched Directional Coupler Pair for external Interference Source, 50 GHz, 13 dB, 2.4 mm | |
M8045A-803 | Matched Coupler Pair for external Interference Source, 40 GHz, 12 dB, 2.4 mm | |
M8046A-802 | Matched Cable Pair, 2.4 mm, 2 ps, Length 0.85 m | |
N9398F | DC Block 16V DC, 50kHz-50GHz, 2.4mm |
M8050A误码率测试仪:M8042A码型发生器+M8043A误码分析仪+M8009A抖动调制+(远程头M8059A或M8069A, M8058A或M8068A)+主机M9505A+M8070A程控软件
M8050A 120 Gbaud 高性能比特误码率测试仪
Keysight M8050A 高性能比特误码率测试仪(BERT)能够准确表征下一代数据中心网络和服务器接口中所使用的接收机。 M8050A 具有出色的信号完整性,并且支持 NRZ、PAM4、PAM6 和 PAM8 信号以及高达 120 Gbaud 的数据速率,其灵活的体系结构还支持 1.6T 路径查找以及其他先进技术。
符号率:2 GBd 至 120 GBd
支持非归零(NRZ)、PAM4、PAM6 和 PAM8 线路编码
跳变时间 < 5 ps,均方根(RMS)固有随机抖动 < 100 fs
提供经过集成和校准的抖动注入,可用于 RJ、PJ1、PJ2、BUJ、sRJ 和 clk/2 接收机容限测试
M8050A 可帮助工程师设计和表征芯片、器件、收发信机模块、子组件、电路板和系统。 它还可快速测试在服务器、计算、数据中心和通信等行业中使用的、数据速率高达 120 GBd 的串行 I/O 端口。 M8050A BERT 与 Keysight UXR 系列 80 GHz 示波器相结合,可以构成一个完整的 1.6T 接收机和发射机测试解决方案,用于对您的以太网系统进行全面评测。
Pattern Generator Configuration
M8042A-G32 | Pattern Generator, 32 Gbaud for NRZ and PAM4, module-wide License | |
M8042A-G64 | Pattern Generator, 64 Gbaud for NRZ and PAM4, module-wide License | |
M8042A-G12 | Pattern Generator, 120 Gbaud for NRZ and PAM4, module-wide License |
Channel Selection
M8042A-0G1 | Pattern Generator NRZ and PAM4, 1 Channel, 2-slot AXIe Module | |
M8042A-0G2 | Pattern Generator NRZ and PAM4, 2 Channel, 3-slot AXIe Module |
Module Functionality
M8042A-0G4 | De-emphasis, module-wide License |
Error Analyzer Configuration
M8043A-A32 | Error Analyzer 32 Gbaud for NRZ and PAM4 with internal Clock Recovery, 1 Channel, module-wide License | |
M8043A-A64 | Error Analyzer 64 Gbaud for NRZ and PAM4 with internal Clock Recovery, 1 Channel, module-wide License |
Error Analyzer Configuration
M8043A-0A1 | Error Analyzer NRZ and PAM4, 1 Channel, 2-slot AXIe Module |
Module Functionality
M8043A-0A3 | Equalizer and De-embedding, License |
Module Functionality
M8009A-0G3 | Advanced Jitter Modulation for up to two Channels, Licence | |
M8009A-0G6 | Reference Clock Multiplier, License |
Remote Head Selection
M8058A-FG | Remote Head, 32/64 Gbaud for M8042A Pattern Generator | |
M8059A-FG | Remote Head, 120 Gbaud for M8042A Pattern Generator | |
M8052A-FG | Remote Head, 32/64 Gbaud for M8043A Error Analyzer |
Chassis Selection
M8050A-BU2 | Bundle consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis with USB | |
M8050A-BU3 | Bundle consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis and one M9537A AXIe Embedded PC Controller with 16GB RAM and Windows 10 |
Preconfigure Chassis
M9537A-CFG006 | AXIe High Performance Embedded Controller ATO with options M16,W16 |
M8050A-PA1 | Price Adjustment for 1.6T Receiver and Transmitter Test Solution |
M8042A-801 | Clock Cable Semi-rigid for Pattern Generator M8042A, Channel 1 | |
M8042A-802 | Clock Cable Semi-rigid for Pattern Generator M8042A, Channel 2 | |
M8042A-803 | Synchronization Cable, Semi-rigid to sync Pattern Generator M8042A with M8009A | |
M8042A-810 | Cable Kit for synchronizing second Pattern Generator M8042A | |
M8045A-802 | Matched Directional Coupler Pair for external Interference Source, 50 GHz, 13 dB, 2.4 mm | |
M8045A-803 | Matched Coupler Pair for external Interference Source, 40 GHz, 12 dB, 2.4 mm | |
M8050A-801 | Cable Kit for synchronizing for additional Clock Module M8009A in second Chassis | |
M8058A-801 | Matched Cable Pair, 1.85 mm (m) to 1.85 mm (m), 2 ps, 0.15 m | |
M8059A-801 | Matched Cable Pair, 1.0 mm (m) to 1.0 mm (m) , 1.0 ps, 0.15 m | |
M8009A-801 | Clock module extension cable (required with more than one clock module) | |
N9398F | DC Block 16V DC, 50kHz-50GHz, 2.4mm | |
N9398G | DC Block 16V DC, 700kHz-67GHz, 1.85mm | |
M8058A-802 | Termination 50 Ohm, 1.85 mm (m) | |
M8059A-802 | Termination 50 Ohm, 1.0 mm (m) | |
M8049A | ISI Channel Boards | |
M9505A-801 | Additional Filler Blade |
System Software
M8070ISIB | Adjustable ISI Package for M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions | |
M8070ADVB | Advanced Measurement Package for M8000 Series BER Test Solutions | |
M8070EDAB | Error Distribution Analysis Package for M8000 Series BER Test Solutions |
Accessories for Desktop
M9048B | PCIe Host Adapter: Single Port (x8), Gen 3 |