我公司长期供应德国英飞凌IGBT模块北京批发渠道-英飞凌模块产品组合包括不同的IGBT功率模块产品系列,有不同的电路结构、芯片配置和电流电压等级,适用于几乎所有应用。市场主要有62 mm、Easy和Econo系列、IHM / IHV B系列、PrimePACK?和XHP?系列功率模块都采用了新的IGBT技术。它们有斩波器、DUAL、PIM、四单元、六单元、十二单元、三电平、升压器或单开关配置,电流等级从6 A到3600 A不等。IGBT模块的适用功率小至几百瓦,高至数兆瓦。这些产品可用于通用驱动器、牵引、伺服装置和可再生能源发电(如光伏逆变器或风电应用)等应用,具有高可靠性、出色性能、高效率和使用寿命长。
批发现货供应英飞凌IGBT Modules up to 600V / 650V
Product Product Status Green Configuration IC(nom) / IF(nom) Technology VCE(sat) (Tvj=25°C typ) VF (Tvj=25°C typ)
IGBT HighSpeed 3, 3-level
FS3L50R07W2H3F_B11 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 50.0 A IGBT HighSpeed 3 1.45 V 1.6 V
FS3L50R07W2H3_B11 active RoHS 3-level 50.0 A IGBT HighSpeed 3 1.45 V 1.6 V
FS3L30R07W2H3F_B11 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 30.0 A IGBT HighSpeed 3 1.5 V 1.6 V
IGBT HighSpeed 3, Fourpack
F4-75R07W2H3_B51 active RoHS Fourpack 75.0 A IGBT HighSpeed 3 1.35 V 1.45 V
英飞凌IGBT模块IGBT4 - E4, 3-level
F3L400R07ME4_B22 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 400.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
F3L400R07ME4_B23 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 400.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
F3L300R07PE4 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 300.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
F3L200R07PE4 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 200.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
英飞凌IGBT模块IGBT4 - E4, Chopper
DF400R07PE4R_B6 active and preferred RoHS Chopper 400.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FD400R07PE4R_B6 active and preferred RoHS Chopper 400.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
DF300R07PE4_B6 active and preferred RoHS Chopper 300.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FD300R07PE4_B6 active and preferred RoHS Chopper 300.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
IGBT4 - E4, Dual
FF600R07ME4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Dual 600.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FF450R07ME4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Dual 450.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FF400R07KE4 active and preferred RoHS Dual 400.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FF300R07ME4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Dual 300.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FF300R07KE4 active and preferred RoHS Dual 300.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP150R07N3E4 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 150.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP150R07N3E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 150.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP100R07N3E4 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 100.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP100R07N3E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 100.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP75R07N2E4 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 75.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP75R07N2E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 75.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP50R07N2E4 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 50.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP50R07N2E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 50.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP50R07U1E4 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 50.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FP30R07U1E4 active and preferred RoHS PIM Three Phase Input Rectifier 30.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.6 V 1.6 V
IGBT4 - E4, Sixpack
FS200R07PE4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 200.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS200R07N3E4R active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 200.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS200R07N3E4R_B11 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 200.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS150R07PE4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 150.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS150R07N3E4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 150.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS150R07N3E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 150.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS100R07PE4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 100.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS100R07N3E4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 100.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS100R07N3E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 100.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS100R07N2E4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 100.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS100R07N2E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 100.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS75R07N2E4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 75.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS75R07N2E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 75.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS50R07N2E4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 50.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS50R07N2E4_B11 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 50.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS75R07U1E4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 75.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
FS50R07U1E4 active and preferred RoHS Sixpack 50.0 A IGBT4 - E4 1.55 V 1.55 V
英飞凌IGBT模块IGBT3 - E3, 3-level
F3L150R07W2E3_B11 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 150.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
F3L100R07W2E3_B11 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 100.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
F3L75R07W2E3_B11 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 75.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
F3L50R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred RoHS 3-level 50.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
F3L30R06W1E3_B11 discontinued RoHS 3-level 30.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.55 V 1.6 V
IGBT3 - E3, Dual
FF600R06ME3 not for new design RoHS Dual 600.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
FF450R06ME3 not for new design RoHS Dual 400.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
FF400R06KE3 active and preferred RoHS Dual 400.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
FF300R06KE3 active and preferred RoHS Dual 300.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
FF300R06KE3_B2 active and preferred RoHS Dual 300.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
FF200R06KE3 active and preferred RoHS Dual 200.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V
FF200R06YE3 discontinued RoHS Dual 200.0 A IGBT3 - E3 1.45 V 1.55 V