Laser Wire 精密激光剥线系统
电 话:021-51097866
手 机:13310108261
传 真:86-21-54451210

Highest performance systems for stripping enamels, suchas polyimide from small  gage wires. The perfect solution for medical devicemanufacture. 剥离瓷漆的性能系统,例如从小规格线缆上剥离聚亚胺涂层。医疗器械制造的完美 解决方案。 Laser Wire Solutions’ Odyssey laser wire strippers are tailored to the needs of  polyimide coated type wires used in electrophysiology electrodes. Odyssey 激光剥线机是为聚酰亚胺涂层型导线量身定制的。 Featuring ultra-violet laser technology, the Odyssey vaporizes any polyimide-type  insulation cleanly and precisely, whilst harmlessly reflecting from the shield or  conductor, giving a perfect, nick-free strip every time. Odyssey 采用紫外线激光技术,清洁而又地清除任何聚酰亚胺类绝缘材料,同时从 屏蔽或导体上进行无害反射,每次都能形成完美的剥线。 Clean Results 清洁性 All insulation is vaporized within the stripping area. There is no residue and no  damage to the conductors, reducing expensive scrappage. 所有绝缘材料在剥离区域内蒸发。导线没有残留物,也没有损坏,大大减少材料的报 废,节约成本。 Adaptable 适应性 The machine has adjustable settings to allow wires to be laser cut as well as laser  stripped. You can strip single wires or ribbons (bi-filar, tri-filar, twisted pair etc.). 对 线缆进行激光切割和激光剥离具有可调节的设置。适用于单根电线或丝带(双线、三 线、双绞线等)。 Precision Focused 聚焦 You can strip wires from 30 AWG down to 58 AWG and smaller. +/- 0.001 inch  positioning repeatability for the best quality, every time. 适应线径≤0.25mm (30 AWG-58 AWG),聚焦精度±0.025mm(±0.001 英寸),每次都能获 得效果

Key Features 主要功能: ●Bench top system 操作台系统 ●UV laser for fine enamel stripping 用于精细瓷漆的紫外线激光机 ●Fixture plate for loading multiple wires 用于装载多根电线的固定板 ●Optional camera to check wire position and strip 选配摄像头,检查电线位置和剥线 Key Applications 关键应用 ●Catheter wires before connecting to rings ●Micro-coax shield cutting 导线连接到线圈前的微型同轴电缆屏蔽切割

Suitable Materials  适应的材料 ●Polyurathane Enamel EW / EWF  聚氨基甲酸酯,搪瓷 ●Polyester Enamel PEW Polyester-  聚酯搪瓷 ●imide EIW 聚酯酰亚胺 ●Polyamide-imide 聚酰胺酰亚胺 ●Kapton 聚酰亚胺 ●ML 氨基复合材料 ●PTFE or ETFE (on request)  特氟龙-聚四氟乙烯