Intertape51596 百格测试胶带
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:0755-86173511
手 机:13691895131
传 真:0755-86173512

The following data are minal valu based on PSTC,
ASTM and other standard tts. The data should t be
considered as specifications.
Backing Polyter Film / nwoven
Backing Thickns 3.5 mil (0.089 mm)
Adhive Rubber Thermosetting
Color Black, Tan
Total Thickns 4.5 mil (0.114 mm)
Dielectric Strength 4500 Volts
Temp/Cl 130°C / B
Insulation Ristance 105 megohms
Tensile Strength 31.5 lbs/in (55 N/cm)
Adhion to Steel 60 oz/in (6.6 N/cm)
Elongation 30%
Electrolytic Corrosion 1.0 Direct/ A, 1*
Flammability BU 2*
Storage Stability Excellent
Solvent Ristance Excellent
Moisture Ristance Excellent