现金求购agilent8167B HP8167A
地区:广东省 深圳市
电 话:86 0755 27767602
手 机:18320750506
传 真:86 0755 27767602

现金求购agilent8167B HP8167A 好坏兼收, 推荐重谢! 

Agilent/HP 8167B可调光源


Specifications at a glance for the 8167B: 
- Wavelength Range: 1255 to 1365 nm
- Wavelength Resolution: 0.001 nm
- Optical Output Level: > +4 dBm (t.)
- Fiber Te: 9/125 um SMF

Additional Information 
- Spectral Linewidth: 100 KHz (t., coherent control OFF); 10-500 MHz (t., coherent control ON at 1260-1360 nm)
- Optical Power Stability: +/- 0.03 dB
- Wavelength Accuracy: +/- 0.1 nm

Options for the 8167B: 
- Option 003: built-in optical attenuator, 40 dB attenuation 
- Option 007: Polarization maintaining fiber, Panda-te, for straight or angled connector tes (cannot be combined with option 003 or 023).
- Option 021: straight contact connector
- Option 022: angled contact connector
- Option 023: Diamond HMS-10/HP/HRL angled, non-contact connector (cannot be combined with option 007).

Sold out !

Specifications at a glance for the 8167B: 
- Wavelength Range: 1255 to 1365 nm
- Wavelength Resolution: 0.001 nm
- Optical Output Level: > +4 dBm (t.)
- Fiber Te: 9/125 um SMF

Additional Information 
- Spectral Linewidth: 100 KHz (t., coherent control OFF); 10-500 MHz (t., coherent control ON at 1260-1360 nm)
- Optical Power Stability: +/- 0.03 dB
- Wavelength Accuracy: +/- 0.1 nm

Options for the 8167B: 
- Option 003: built-in optical attenuator, 40 dB attenuation 
- Option 007: Polarization maintaining fiber, Panda-te, for straight or angled connector tes (cannot be combined with option 003 or 023).
- Option 021: straight contact connector
- Option 022: angled contact connector
- Option 023: Diamond HMS-10/HP/HRL angled, non-contact connector (cannot be combined with option 007).

Sold out !


Quality Assurance:

Most of our products were examined strictly before shippinp and can apply for a calibration report.