Keithley 486 皮安表 基本参数 详情介绍 吉时利 皮安表486型 英文说明书
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Keithley 486 皮安表  基本参数 详情介绍  吉时利 皮安表486型 英文说明书

联系 负责人:曾 凯  咨询热线:(网分价格咨询,售前,售后服务,技术支持)

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? 10fA sensitivity
? 180 readings per second
? IEEE-488 interface

486 Picoammeter The Model 486 is a 51 ?2-digit autoranging picoammeter designed for low current applications where fast reading rates must be made. It offers a speed of 180 readings per second. The 486 is ideal for low-level DC current applications, such as:

 ? PMT current measurements 

 ? mass spectrometer current measurements

 ? probe current measurements in electrochemistry

 ? plasma generated currents 

 ? ion chamber currents Operation is fast and convenient. 

Selectable analog and digital filters provide optimum wide-band performance with minimum noise. Autoranging selects the most appropriate range within 100ms. The measurement buffer holds up to 512 readings for fast data acquisition. Any reading within the buffer may be displayed, or the entire buffer may be searched for the maximum and minimum values. 

Other important features include REL, which allows measurements to be made relative to a selectable baseline. ZERO CHECK and CORRECT functions correct for voltage offset errors using front panel or software commands. The IEEE-488 interface provides simple integration and convenient user interaction. Digital calibration can be accomplished over the bus or completely from the front panel. The display features three selectable intensities (bright, dim, and off) for use in light-sensitive environments.





