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三瑞蓄电池VISION授权总代理/新疆内蒙古甘肃、辽宁,吉林,黑龙江,河北,山西,陕西,山东,安徽,江苏,浙江,河南,湖北,湖南,江西,台湾,福建,云南,海南,四川,贵州,广东,甘肃,青海 西藏,新疆,广西,内蒙古,宁夏 北京,天津,上海,重庆 

深圳三瑞蓄电池 2、低温性能优越  采用特殊的耐低温添加剂材料,电池能够在-15℃~40℃环境下正常使用。  3、组合一致性  采用先进的和膏设备、极板分选取设备、电池动态配组技术,能有效提高整组电池的一致性。  4、高功率放电性能好  正、负极板均采用涂膏式结构,紧装配工艺,内阻小,高功率放电性能好,具有超强的起动能力,30°斜坡爬坡轻松自如。  5、安全可靠  安全阀能自动开启,既可以排出由于误操作或过充电导致的多余气体,又能防止外部气体或火花进入电池内部引起自放电或爆炸。全密封防泄漏结构:电池可倾斜、卧放使用,但不允许倒置。  6、使用寿命长  长寿命活性物配方,具有极强的耐深循环充放电能力,在25℃下,80%DOD循环寿命可达600~700次;100%DOD寿命循环达300~350次。  7、绿色环保  雄韬电池以绿色环保为本,采用新型密封结构优化设计,确保使用过程无漏酸及酸雾溢出现象,安全可靠。  8、免维护  密封反应效率高,电池在整个使用过程中无需补水或补酸维护。三瑞蓄电池6FM65-X
成色: 全新
三瑞胶体系列电池采用独特的界胶体电池隔板厂商打造的高孔率PVC-SiO2隔板隔板和二氧化硅凝胶技术制造。电池采用了二氧化硅凝胶固定电解液于电池中。三瑞胶体电池技术被证明能够延长电池的循环寿命,并且体现出良好的低温性能。与普通的AGM电池相比,胶体电池能够提高60%以上的深循环放电次数。 技术特性世界胶体电池隔板厂商打造的高孔率PVC-SiO2隔板,超强的防氧化性能,使其寿命超过30年;孔率为74%,排酸量180ml/m2,孔径多在1~10μm之间有效地防止了铅枝晶短路;深放电恢复能力强;可以在30日未及时补充电的情况下达到100%的容量恢复,因此可以用于不能及时补充电的工况下如天气情况多变的太阳能光伏系统等。独特的铅钙锡铝板栅深循环极板配方与铸造工艺,能够提高电池的深循环寿命并且环保节能。富液式设计,采用低密度的胶体电极液有效保护了正板栅,程度上延长了电池的寿命用了低密度的电解液与独特的纳米二氧化硅凝胶工艺,浮充电压较低,使板栅的受腐蚀程度达到了程度的缓解,延长了浮充使用时的寿命,节约浮充。
SENRY类型:储能用蓄电池电池盖和排气拴结构:阀控式密闭蓄电池化学类型:胶体蓄电池荷电状态:湿荷电态蓄电池电压:2,12(V) 型号:多种额定容量:24AH-3000AH外型尺寸:国标(mm) 产品:IEC,CE,VDS,BS,UL,GOST,金太阳适用范围:通信,电信,太阳能,风能:样品:提供
船舶设备,有线电视,军用设备,紧急照明系统,备用电力电源,大型山特UPS电源和计算机备用电源 发电站,电动轮椅,高尔夫车,电动叉车,铁路系统,发电站,电力系统
三瑞蓄电池(国内品牌) SENRY三瑞电池,是雄韬公司为国内客户提供的品牌,该系列电池分为CP、FM、UPS,三大系列,容量从1.2AH----30000AH,自90年代初进入市场以来,通过信息产业部、电力部、铁道部的相关检测,完全满足国内电力、电信、铁路、石油、化工、等客户需求,多年来深受用户好评。

1.极板是枯电池的部分,蓄电池充、放电的化学反应主要是依靠极板_上的活性物质与电解浓进行的。极板分为正极板和负极板.均由姗架和话性物质组成。 杨架的作用是周结话性物质。栅架一般由铅锑合金铸成.具有良好的导电性、耐蚀性和一定的机械强度。为了降低街电池的内阻,改善留电池 的启动竹能,有些铅酸蓄电池采用了放射形姗架.三瑞蓄电池6FM65-X
3.电解液在留电池的化学反应中.起到离子间导电的作用,并参与蓄电池的化学反应。电解液由纯砚酸(H,SOJ与蒸馏水按一定比例配制而成. 电解液的密度对蓄电池的工作有重要影响.密度大.可减少结冰的危险并提高蓄电池的容量,但密度过大.则粘度增加。反而降低蓄电池的容蚤.缩短使用寿命。电解液密度应随地区和气候条件而定.电解液的纯度也是影响铅酸蓄电池性能和使用寿命的重要因素之一。三瑞蓄电池6FM65-X
4.壳体用于盛放电解液和极板组.应该耐酸、耐热、耐震。壳体多采用硬橡胶或策丙烯0料制成.为整体式结构.底部三瑞蓄电池6FM65-X有凸起的肋条以搁锐极板组。壳内由间壁分成3个或 6个互不相通的单格.各单格之间用铅质连接条半联起来.壳体上部使用相同材料的电池盖密封.电池盖上设有对应于每个单格电池的加液孔,用于添加电解液和燕馏水.以及测量电解液密度、沮度和液面高度。加液孔盖上的通风孔可使铅酸蓄电池化学反应中产生的气体顺利排出。



Shenzhen three Swiss battery 2, low temperature performance is superior to the use of special low temperature additive materials, the battery can be in the -15 C ~ 40 C environment under normal use. 3, the combination of the use of advanced and paste equipment, plate points selection equipment, battery dynamic distribution technology, can effectively improve the consistency of the whole group of batteries. 4 and high power discharge performance and good positive and negative plates are used paste type structure, compact assembly process, small resistance, good high power discharge performance, has strong ability of starting, 30 degree slope climbing easily. 5, the safety and reliability of the valve can automatically open, which can be discharged due to misuse or over charging of the excess gas, but also to prevent the external gas or sparks into the battery caused by self discharge or explosion. Fully sealed leak proof structure: the battery can be tilted, lying on the use, but does not allow upside down. 6, long life life of the active material formula, with a strong deep cycle charge discharge capacity, at 25 C, 80%DOD cycle life of up to 700 ~ 600 times; 100%DOD life cycle up to 350 ~ 300 times. 7, green environmental protection xiongtao battery to the green environmental protection for this, the new optimization design of seal structure to ensure that no leakage of acid and acid fog overflow phenomenon during use, safe and reliable. 8, maintenance free sealed reaction efficiency, the battery in the whole process of use without water or acid maintenance. Three Swiss battery 6FM65-X

Brand: three Swiss

Model: 6FM65-X

Quality: New

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Three Rui colloid series of batteries using a unique industry renowned manufacturers to create a well-known gel battery separator manufacturers to create a high porosity PVC-SiO2 diaphragm and the world's leading silica gel technology. The battery uses a silica gel to fix the electrolyte in the battery. Three cell technology has been proven to be able to extend the cycle life of the battery, and show a good low temperature performance. Compared with the ordinary AGM battery, the colloid battery can increase the number of deep cycle discharge more than 60%. Technology characteristics of world famous colloidal battery separator manufacturers to build high hole rate pvc-sio2 separator, super anti oxidative performance, so that the service life of more than 30 years; pore rate was 74%, and acid output 180ml/m2, aperture multi between 1-10 m effectively prevent the lead dendrite short circuit; recovery from deep discharge ability; can be in 30 days did not timely replenishment of electricity reached 100% of capacity recovery, so it can be for not timely added conditions as weather changing solar photovoltaic system. Unique lead calcium tin plate grid deep cycle plate formula and casting process, can improve the deep cycle life of the battery and environmental protection and energy saving. Rich liquid type design, the low density of the colloidal liquid electrode effectively protect is grid, to the maximum extent extend the battery life with the low density of the electrolyte and the unique nano silica gel process, float voltage is low, the grid by the corrosion degree reached the maximum degree of ease, prolong the floating life, saving float.

Senry type storage battery battery cover and the exhaust bolt structure: valve control sealed battery chemical types: colloid storage battery state of charge: wet state of charge of battery voltage: 2,12 (V), model: various rated capacity: 24AH-3000AH appearance and the size of: GB (mm) product certification: IEC, CE, VDS, BS, UL, gost, sun certification scope: communications, telecommunications, solar energy, wind energy: sample: provided free of charge

Our supply of a large number of lead-acid batteries, mainly have three Rui, vision, and other well-known brands, which vision are exported to foreign countries, product quality absolute guarantee that welcome to call us for details.

Three Rui battery [senry] 6FM100 12V100A free maintenance (using the process does not need to add water), the service life of up to 10 years, small resistance, high output power, fully sealed (no liquid leakage, acid gas overflow), small self discharge, can use in arbitrary direction, and is convenient in transportation. application area

Ship equipment, cable TV, military equipment, emergency lighting system, backup power supply, large Santak ups and computer standby power supply power station, electric wheelchair, golf carts, electric forklift, railway system, power station. Power system

Three Rui battery (domestic brands) senry SanRui battery, Tao hung company for domestic customers to provide preferred brand. This series of battery points for CP, FM, ups and three series, the capacity from the 1.2AH----30000AH. Since the early 1990s to enter the market, by the Ministry of information industry, the electric power department, Ministry of Railways of correlation detection, fully meet the customer demand for the electricity, telecommunications, railway, petroleum, chemical industry, etc., over the years by the users.

Internal structure of three cell

1. The electrode is the core part of the dry battery, battery charge and discharge of the chemical reaction is mainly rely on the plate active material and electrolyte concentration of the. The plate is divided into positive and negative plates are composed of frame and Zelda. Words of material. The role of poplar stands in the case of peripheral. Grid is generally composed of lead antimony alloy cast. With good conductivity, corrosion resistance and mechanical strength. In order to reduce the internal resistance of battery street, improve left battery start bamboo, some lead-acid battery the radial Zelda frame. Rui battery 6FM65-X

The 2 partition board is inserted in the positive and negative pole plate to prevent the contact between the positive and the negative plates to cause a short circuit. The separator should be acid proof and porous, in order to facilitate the penetration of the electrolyte. Commonly used separator material has the wood, the emblem hole and the plastic and so on. among