优质 小量程PVF 2-11薄膜传感器适用电荷转换器CI-50-0.01
电 话:029-81773844
手 机:15802967400
传 真:029-81773844

优质 小量程PVF 2-11薄膜传感器适用电荷转换器CI-50-0.01

1.  电荷转换器CI-50-0.1 or CI-50-0.01介绍





2.  电荷转换器CI-50-0.1 or CI-50-0.01图片


3. 电荷转换器CI-50-0.1 or CI-50-0.01尺寸图


4. 电荷转换器CI-50-0.1 or CI-50-0.01详细参数

Piezofilm Converter – For use @ pressures below 0.1kb. Charge and integrators are simple non-inductive pive devices that can be used with piezoelectric stress gauges and are capable of yielding direct and accurate wave forms of the interacting shock waves. Our CI-50-0.1 charge integrator is a general purpose converter capable of yielding direct wave profiles with time resolution of 20 nanoseconds. using any size PVF 2 sensor over a 0-300 Kbars stress range. A direct output charge per unit area of the gauge can be obtained by multiplying its capacity (0.1 microfarad) by the measured converter’s output voltage and thus, inferred into a state of stress using the piezofilm gauge’s calibration. Our Model CI-50-0.01 is for very low pressure applications only. Please consult our technical staff prior to ordering.

5. 电荷转换器CI-50-0.1 or CI-50-0.01连接方式
