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我公司销售国内外各大品牌叉车专用蓄电池,日本GS、火炬、荷贝克、霍克  等等!


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北京凯力威科技有限公司,是一家集服务与销售一体化的蓄电池公司,发展的过程中,不断与国内多个电池科研机构交流合作,设计生产,规模不断扩大,是目前广东省同行业销售量多、规格齐全、价格优惠的性蓄电池企业! 我们的任务是积极寻找新产品,逐渐淘汰现有质量差的电池品牌;努力开发新市场和潜质好的分销商,全力打造健全、高效的分销网络;利用现有资源,加大宣传力度,捕捉潜在客户信息,逐步建立客户数据库,开展数据库营销,从而拉动终端销售;健全、统一的的售后服务管理系统,为分销商解决后顾之忧。 营:统一蓄电池,风帆蓄电池,骆驼蓄电池,长青蓄电池,穗航蓄电池,建航蓄电池,海鸥蓄电池,丰田叉车蓄电池,电动叉车蓄电池,合力叉车蓄电池ups蓄电池,免维护蓄电池,船检免维护蓄电池,船用发电机蓄电池,高尔夫球车蓄电池,汽车免维护蓄电池,大宇叉车蓄电池电瓶蓄电池,应急灯蓄电池,现代叉车蓄电池,林德叉车蓄电池,小松叉车蓄电池,杭叉叉车蓄电池,康明斯发电机蓄电池,新力叉车蓄电池,进口叉车蓄电池,台励福叉车蓄电池,厦叉叉车蓄电池,天力叉车蓄电池,大连叉车蓄电池,斗山叉车蓄电池,江淮叉车蓄电池,柳工叉车蓄电池龙工叉车蓄电池,日本神钢叉车蓄电池,安徽叉车蓄电池,力至优叉车蓄电池,天宇叉车蓄电池,台州叉车蓄电池,潍柴发电机蓄电池,三菱叉车蓄电池,宝骊叉车蓄电池,吉鑫祥叉车蓄电池,扬州TCM叉车蓄电池JAC叉车蓄电池,友高叉车蓄电池,美科斯叉车蓄电池,友佳叉车蓄电池,奥萨叉车蓄电池,大隆叉车蓄电池,靖江叉车蓄电池,玉柴叉车蓄电池,三一叉车蓄电池,依格曼叉车蓄电池,等。 公司从事电池行业十余年,积累了丰富的技术经验,掌握手厂方资源,有着过硬的技术知识,真诚、热情的售后服务,赢得众多4S店,汽车修理厂,零售商,物流公司,搬家公司,国家企事业单位,政府部门等的支持和信赖,并保持友好的长期合作关系! 在我们这里,您将买到适合你,同等质量,价格的电池,并为您提供热情,周到的‘三包”服务,公司有自己的配送货车,我们的技术人员将上门为您安装服务。欢迎来电咨询或订货!国内、省内、均可发运! 我们的口号:寻一流产品,找一流的分销商,做踏实的纽带!



1.1 未经使用的叉车蓄电池在使用前应进行初充电。初充电前应将电池表面擦拭干净,检查有无损坏;按串联方式组成电池组时应紧密无间隙,保证极性正确。螺栓连接时应压紧螺栓保证连接可靠。

1.2 拧下液孔塞,清除塞内透气孔上密封物保证透气孔畅通;或拔下密封盖换上掀盖式液孔塞并打开掀盖。

1.3 在充电设备能正常工作的条件下将密度为1.260±0.005(25℃)温度小于30℃的 硫酸电解液灌入电池,液面高出保护板15~25(mm)或符合右图要求。此时为了将低电解液因化学反应而上升的温度让电解液充分渗入极板,隔板孔隙内;电 池需静置3~4小时,不超过8小时。待液温降至35℃以下方可进行初充电。(必要时可在冷水槽中降温)静置后液面下降应补充电解液。

1.4 硫酸电解液是用符合国家标准gb4554-84的需电池硫酸与蒸馏水配制而成,切勿用工业硫酸、自来水代用。

1.5 擦干溅落在电池表面的电解液,将电池组的正、负极分别与直流电源的正、负端相接,接通电源;电源电压应高于电池组串联电压的50%,依据电池额定容量十分 之一电流进行,第①阶段电流充电,冲至电压达到2.4(v)时改用第①阶段电流减半进行第②阶段电流继续充电。充电过程中电解液温度不得超过45℃,接近 45℃时应减半充电电流或暂停充电;待液温降至35℃以上再继续充电。但需适应延长充电时间。

1.6 充足电的一句:在第②阶段充电至电压达2.6(v),电压变化不大于0.005(v);电解液密度达到1.280±0.005(25℃),2小时内无明显变化并有细密气泡激烈发生时就认为电池已充足电。其充电电量为额定容量的4~5倍,充电时间约70小时。

1.7 为了准确控制电解液中硫酸含量,在充电末期应检查各电池的电解液密度;如有不符则用蒸馏水或密度为1.40的硫酸进行调整,并应在充电状态下的2小时内将电解液密度与液面调整至规定值。

1.8 初充电结束后将电池表面擦干净,装上液孔塞或闭上掀盖式液孔塞的掀盖,方可投入使用。

1.9 产品若是干式荷电蓄电池时,不需要进行初充电,使用前加电解液密度为1.270±0.005,加液后2小时,(***长不超过48小时)应经常充电中第二 阶段充电电流的二分之一充电18小时后再用该电流量乘1.5继续充电待单位电池电压达到2.6v时充电结束,静止1小时即可投入使用。

Electric forklift battery 48v450ah-24-9db450

According to gb10827-1999 "motor vehicle safety standards" the relevant provisions are as follows: "battery charging and replacement"

1, in order to charge or replace batteries before the vehicle must be correctly positioned and brake.

2, must be in charge when the exhaust cap to release gas and disperse heat cover to prevent the electrolyte from the correct position and keep open the battery compartment or the effective porosity.

3. Measures must be taken to prevent the fire spark or arc no smoking in the battery charging area.

4, tools or other metal items must be far away from the top of the battery is not stamped.

5, the upper part of the battery should be dry terminal should be kept clean and coated with a little vaseline and correct tightening.

6, re install the battery must be placed in the correct position of the battery.

7, prohibit the use of open flame to check the battery electrolyte level.

8. When the solution of the acid altar must be used, the acid altar tilting device or siphon dilution concentrated sulfuric acid is used to prepare the electrolyte, and only the concentrated sulfuric acid can be added into the water and the water is not allowed to be added into the concentrated sulfuric acid.

Several ways of charging forklift batteries

Battery charging of industrial electric vehicles usually have the following ways:

A, the vehicle will stop working, connect the charger to charge the battery;

B, the battery in the vehicle with the spreader, manual or automatic car battery replacement battery replacement system has been removed, changed into a fully charged battery.

The production and replacement of the gas of forklift battery in charging system

1.1, the battery charging process is generated by the gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas (gas explosion). This gas is colorless, tasteless, odorless, acid mist but they are mixed together, so there is a pungent smell.

2.1, hydrogen gas is a highly explosive, if the hydrogen concentration of air is more than 3.8%, a fire will explode.

3.1, in order to prevent the explosion caused by the final stage of this charge, charging place to take full ventilation, no fireworks!

4.1, the battery will always stay inside the oxygen and hydrogen gas explosion of gas, so in the vicinity of the site should be strictly prohibited Fireworks (Ming Huo, sparks, static).

5.1 the temperature between the charging is not easy to be higher than 40 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will affect the electrolyte charging temperature is too high (the manufacturers to charge the battery when the temperature requirements of some differences, but the high temperature must be no good)


 Sichuan Changjiang truck Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999. Specializing in forklift truck sales, spare parts sales, forklift rental, with the old for new, repair and transformation of business. Long term overhaul, transformation of business, great exercise in Sichuan branch staff capacity, and accumulated a wealth of experience, and in the vast number of customers has won a good reputation. Co., Ltd. is the company is Anhui, China UnionPay Heavy Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. production of the JAC forklift truck set vehicle sales, parts, after-sales service, technical advice as one of the 4S model Sichuan branch. The sales company is located in Chengdu road three building No. 168 of No. 30 (Tel:57), the service station is located in the locomotive factory on the right side of the door 150 meters, the factory accessories to provide various types of forklift parts, so that the majority of customers, that is to solve all the problems of the company's main operating forklift! To diesel forklift, battery forklift and tractor electric stacker, forklift, manual forklift, secondhand forklift, forklift accessories, tools etc.. The company adhering to the "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, adhere to the "customer first" principle to provide our clients with quality services. Welcome customers patronage! Anhui Jianghuai yinlian heavy-duty engineering machinery Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the heavy industry), is a large domestic automobile group company, Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as JAC..







