地区:广东省 东莞市
电 话:0769-87935195
手 机:13826950635
传 真:0769-87935195


E4401B ESA-E 系列频谱分析仪,9 kHz 至 1.5 GHzESA - E series is the performance can meet the need of the future of Agilent spectrum analyzer solution. The series in the measurement speed on the resolution, dynamic range, accuracy, and power, both established performance standards for the similar price of products. Design makes it flexible platform development, manufacturing and field service engineers can customize products, to meet the specific test requirements, and the need to use new features when upgrade products.



SME 02/SME02 1.5G信号发生器
Rohde&Schwarz SME02 1.5G信号发生器罗德与施瓦茨R&S 5KHz-1.5GHz
Product Specs:
*Power Output: -144dBm to +13dBm
*All common digital modulation modes provided in one unit
*Great ease of operation thanks to a novel menu concept
*No external modulation and datasources required
*User-programmable data sequences and TDMA structure
*RF, LF and level sweep
*Ultra-low RF leakage for measurementson highly sensitive pagers