SN8P2500系列单片机,采用精简指令级结构 (RISC),CMOS工艺设计,内置看门狗定时器,脉宽调制输出 (PWM)、单周期指令系统等资源,具有工作速度快、抗干扰能力强、低功耗等特点。非常适用于小家电、高阶智能玩具、遥控器等,对抗干扰要求高、功耗要求极小的消费类产品,及工业控制应用。硬件完全兼容EM78P153、FM8PS53
- OTP ROM size: 1K * 16 bits.
- RAM size: 48 * 8 bits.
- Four levels stack buffer
- Bi-directional: P0, P1, P2, P5.
- Input only: P1.1.
- Programmable open-drain: P1.0.
- Wakeup: P0, P1 level change trigger
- Pull-up resisters: P0, P1, P2, P5.
- External Interrupt trigger edge:P0.0 controlled by PEDGE register.
- External high clock: RC type up to 10 MHz
- External high clock: Crystal type up to 16 MHz
- Internal high clock: 16MHz RC type.
- Internal low clock: RC type 16KHz(3V), 32KHz(5V)
- 3-Level LVD.
- Three interrupt sources.
- Two 8-bit Timer/Counter.
- On chip watchdog timer and clock source is internal low clock RC type (16KHz @3V, 32KHz @5V).
- Powerful instructions,One clocks per instruction cycle (1T).
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